108.  Dr. Tio’s Secret Code

"Hey, stop! Aruna!" Hendra seized her pillow and threw it away. He grabbed her hands and switched their position, him on top this time, hands above her head, pinning her down with both knees trapping her waist. His face hovered right above him, nose to nose.

"Just so you know, if I can stand seeing you hurt tonight, I'll stick mine deep in yours," Aruna's face got redder like an overheated pan, heat came out of her ears, now that she got what he meant, "Too bad I'm waiting for Tio to come here."

Hendra gave her mercy. He released his holds on her hands and jumped down the bed, fanning his hand in front of his face, "So hot here," he groaned, turning away from her, hiding his face.

Aruna, still red as ever, finally exhaled the breath she held. She knew what he meant. She smiled, biting her lip.

"I need air. Call a repairman tomorrow, there must be something wrong with your AC," Hendra muttered before he fled.