117. The Dorama Man

However, the blue eyed man now holds another responsibility, another dream. A life goal that was much more normal. An objective on how to keep his marriage with Lesmana's daughter. Then, wished for a time when his wife was ready, he wished he would be allowed to be the father of tiny babies born from the woman who taught him to find a whole new world.


[Hi, Aruna, I'm in front of your campus]

A message from someone who was forced to be categorized as 'not a stranger' made Aruna furrow her brows. What did he want now?

Because it was too bothersome, Aruna put the phone back in her bag.

"Every stroke on our design is the work itself. Therefore, before making a sketch, think about it first," the lecturer's voice caught the attention of the third year design student.

[You must be surprised, huh?]

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