119. Trash

"I really like you, from the first time we met I already felt attracted to you. I thought I could get you in the best possible way. Sorry, but I have to use this," Rey declared, motioning the papers in his hand.

"So, I must accept you?" At first, Aruna respected Rey because she heard of how he helped Anantha develop the business her brother loved so much. Today, all of that respect was gone, ceasing to exist any longer. Aruna saw him as a two faced man, and he officialized that title with the document in his hand. She didn't really get what the document meant, but she knew enough that she was forced to grant Rey's request. In a way, she did that because of her own principle.

"Not really. I went too far and now, I'm a bad man in your eyes. How could you steal your heart like this? Moreover, you still have a relationship with Mahendra. I just need to take advantage of you," Rey's strange utterance made a comeback appearance.