129. A Hole in His Heart

That time, Mahendra posed the only question that popped into his very young mind, "Why are you scared if your child and wife will leave you?"

"Because they are my treasure, the most important thing in my life."

"Then, why do you need money if they are your treasure?"

"Because …" the man was speechless, unable to answer a simple yet complex question from an innocently annoying child, "So that they won't leave me, that's why I need money."

"So, you're the only one who thinks they are important, while they think your money is more important," Hendra drew his own conclusion.

"You're just a kid, you don't know anything about it. Shut up!"

"But, I'm right."

"Enough! You're messing with me! Just shut up!"

"Why is your wife important to you?"

"Because I love her and I can't live without her."

"Ugh, I don't want to live such a sad life like you. I will only love myself."