Extra Part-4. My Love Bullet

"Where is the sauce pan?" Aruna threw the same question.

"Sauce pan!!... sauce pan…" someone was panting for the sauce pan. He was confused while checking all the cabinets and cupboard around the pantry.

The one who panted word 'sauce pan' was searching everywhere in his elegant pantry.

Finally he found it! he lifted it up triumphantly and handed it to his wife.  Without wasting any time, she turned on the water faucet and put some water in the sauce pan, boiled it and left it a while before she put the water in the freezer. Hendra watched all what his wife did attentively and he was stunned.

"Hehe" he chuckled and scratched his hair behind his ear. The scene was unbelievable. That modest woman who made him crazily in love, had her simple ways to face things she faced and solved it an unpredictable way in his eyes.

Why did she not ask him go to the mall down there to get some water, instead?? That what many women would do, wouldn't it?