Chapter 3: Unexpected company

"who would have thought riding a horse would be so difficult" she complained to herself as she hopped off the horse and tied its reins to a nearby tree. "well I stopped falling off when it picks up speed atleast and it probably doesn't help that I don't have a saddle". "I wonder what time it is" she said as she pulled out her compass and looked at the sun that was starting to set. "assuming this world goes by the same time as my previous one I'd guess its around 6 - 7 pm" she said closing the compass and going to sit on a nearby tree.

"if this town isn't close by my supply's will run out soon" she thought as she opened her satchel and took out some rations she got from the wagon. it contained what looked like a Jerky of sorts with something that resembled crackers. she didn't hesitate to take a bite of the foreign food as it atleast resembled something familiar and her stomach was starting to act up. the crackers tasted just like the ones she new albeit lacking salt while the Jerky tasted like a weird mix of beef and pork. altogether it wasn't a bad meal at all but it was quite dry as it was evidently designed to have a longer shelf life than normal food. "this is somewhat similar to the MRE's we had to eat out in the field in my old world though they were a bit more flavourful". After eating she looked around the area and found a small stream somewhat near the road. After having a drink she washed the blood out of her hair which had long since dried up after hours of travelling in the sun. After she did her best to dry her hair and then headed back to the tree were the horse was.

"I guess I'll be sleeping here tonight" she thought as she looked at the sun beginning to set in the distance as she climbed onto a nearby tree to sleep.

. . .

"we got some good merchandise tonight" one of the men sniggered as he pointed to a bound and gaged girl laying unconscious next to the base of a tree. "yeah im surprised we found someone out this far, we are atleast 3 hours away from Vania." another man smiled crookedly. " you think she came from there?" "it doesn't matter where she came from, the only thing that matters is that people are willing to pay to get her back" one of them said while flipping a gold coin in his hand. "Speaking of money did she have anything good on her?"

"only a few silver and this strange knife" one said frowning. "pass it over" another said. "your right this is weird, I've never seen a knife that looks like this. but its really well made so it will probably go for alot" he said as he tossed it back.

as they continued to chat idly around the fire another man suddenly came through the bushes with a grin. "guys we got another one" " 2 in 1 night not too bad" one of them chuckled to himself. as they got up and started to gather their weapons they heared a sudden muffled yelp. they all turned around to see the man near the bushes fall to the floor with his throat slit as a girl with short white hair and red eyes stood over him with a dagger covered in blood. "hey guys, you know its not very nice to spy on people while there sleeping" she said with a smile on her face.

. . .

she suddenly woke up feeling a gaze on her as she lay in the tree. instead of opening her eyes she pretended to still be asleep and listened in on there muffle conversation. "people? considering the intent im feeling from their gazes i doubt they have good intentions" she thought while trying to suppress her smile that was creeping onto her face. "you think she's alone?" she heared one of the two whisper. "looks it, and she's unarmed. it's out lucky day for sure" the other said pointing with a knife towards her empty sheath. "ill go get the others, tie her up and gather her belongings" he said as he walked further into the forest.

hearing the conversation she was glad she tucked her knife into her boot before she slept. as she strained her ears she heared the man approach and open the satchel that was resting against the base of the tree below her. "how sloppy, not even restraining me before going through my belongings. I'll make sure you regret that" she thought as she removed the dagger from her boot with a smile. Dropping directly on top of him she plunged the dagger into his skull killing him before he could even make a sound. quickly removing the dagger and shaking the blood of it she headed in the direction of where she heared the other man leave.

Quickly but quietly moving through the forest she soon caught up to the man who was walking at a leisurely pace. "it would be best if I tailed him instead of killing him outright. I'm interested in the 'others' they were talking about" she thought with another small smile. she matched her pace with his and made sure not to focus her attention on him as to not alert his 6th sense. being treated as a weapon in her previous life she was trained to master her 6th sense through brutal training were her life was constantly as stake. this mainly included attempting to dodge close and ranged attacks while blindfolded and wearing earplugs. these weren't training weapons either they were mainly swords and arrows that were being fired with the intent to kill. this was also apart of her training to detect bloodlust which she later learned how to suppress hers as to not reveal her presence. Due to this she now had full control of her bloodlust whilst being able to pick up on another person bloodlust easily and her 6th sense was as essentially a second pair of eyes that would warn her of preying eyes or people's attacks.

After a hour or so of following the man he soon arrived at what looked like a very crudely built camp that could accommodate no more than 8 people. After quickly looking over the camp there seemed to be 6 people in total not including the man who brought her here. however one of these people was a girl around her age who was tied up, gaged and unconscious by the base of a tree. " seems like I wasn't the only target of there's" she thought with a frown. "well in a way this is good news, it just further proves these people don't deserve to live. Besides I have yet to have a proper fight in this body yet" she thought as she stretched one of her arms.

hearing the man she followed finish talking to the others she waited until all of them to turn around and the second they did she plunged the knife into the man's thoat from behind. as the body hit the floor it made the other 5 turn around and stare in her direction with anger and shock written all over there faces. " hey guys, you know its not very nice to spy on people while there sleeping" she said while smiling.

Authors notes

its tainted again i hope you enjoy the new chapter and feel free to comment your opinion on the series or ask any questions as im new to this and I want to improve wherever I can. I'll try to stick to atleast 5 chapters a week but no promises, and so ill talk to you all later

Mata ne