
Hey its been awhile

First off I hope everyone had a good winter break and Christmas if you celebrate it

Now... I wont pad this out and ill get all the big things out of the way first

The Novel is not ready to be released..... yet

Infact i was beginning work on the first chapter not long ago before realising it needed a little more work as i wasnt happy with the start of the story so while it isnt ready to be released right now it isnt far from being released at all

I know its been a long time and ive delayed it alot but i really dont want a repeat of this novel with me making something i know i will continue making while not being happy or making something i know I will drop

I was having a bit of a creative block for awhile hence why its taken so long however it seems to have mostly passed now so i think i should be able to work on this more frequently

This however has had something good come out of it and it is actually the thing that helped me break through the creative block

I am happy to say that The reboot of this series is not the only Novel i will be releasing i am currently working on another one

I know I know it seems like a terrible idea to try and make 2 novels while I'm struggling to only make 1 however I have a reason

I struggle to write alot of the time just because I'm not in the mood to write about a certain story, theme or setting and i would prefer to write about something else but cant without making a whole new novel

Normally i either want to write something more medieval or more modern / sci-fi and so to help combat this I'm doing the reboot of this series which is more medieval and then i am also making a more modern sci-fi / fantasy novel.

Working on the second novel has helped make working on the reboot for this one alot easier as if I'm not in the mood for 1 of them i can often work on the other for abit and that eventually makes me want to work on the other

I know this is a poor explanation and is more of a excuse for me to write 2 different kind of novels but hey I'm gonna be doing it anyway so might as well try to give a excuse XD

I do want to clarify tho that the other Novel will not impact my work on the reboot of this one and i will be doing a minimum of 1 chapter a week for both which I planned to do for the reboot anyway

As for when these 2 will release I'm not entirely certain as I'm still new to this kind of thing but im certain that it should be sooner rather than later as both are mostly complete and just need some tweaking before I can start the first chapters of each

Also as for the story the 2 novels will be very different from one another however i will share 1 thing

They both exsist in the same Universe / timeline whatever you want to call it however this wont be that important until way later in both of the novels

Honestly i wanted to try to get atleast one of them out for Christmas but... you can see how that turned out considering the date I'm publishing this

To anyone who for some reason is still waiting on the reboot and hasn't forgotten about it i am both surprised and thankful that you still remember this dumpster fire but I promise to do my best to get them both out as soon as I can

Infact I will be working on them as soon as this goes live as i want to try and mostly finish the last bits on 1 of them before i sleep

As for the 2 Novel's Names they are...

A Singularity ( the Reboot )

Song of Ascension ( The Sci-fi / Fantasy )

I will post 1 last update here for when both have been Published or if something happens so that you all know

I think thats everything for the update so ill leave it at that

Do comment any questions you have tho and ill answer them as best I can

I hope I talk to you all again soon and that both of the Novels will be finished quickly but for now...

ill see you all later and I thank you for keeping up to date with my poor excuse for writing