I hope you get a

It was such a wise decision to get a pair of headphones for patrols, I grow my wooden helmet around them so they're sufficiently tied to my head, I can even use a branch to push them and change the song and volume.

Web swinging around the city whilst chucking out branch bombs makes my job a breeze. A branch bomb is essentially my equivalent of a web bomb. The wood latches onto a villain and bolts them to any nearby surface. The force behind the throw and the weight of the wood keep most restrained.

Mix in some binding techniques from my years of study means I can catch most people. Pro tip! When assuming someone is an emitter bind them so that their hands are pointing vertically up like they're reaching for something. I would also make one cover their mouth just incase they have a sound or substance spitting quirk.

Everyone knows that I'm the only guy nearby with wood constructs so when they find a webbed up villain it means more points for me. It also helps with the whole underground hero vibe I started when I changed my wood colour.

When ever I've had to save kids I let them catch a glimpse off me before I hop away so it appears more inspiring. Speaking of which~

A little girl just dropped her ball near the street so she rushed after it onto the busy road. A truck kun was in swift pursuit for her life. What appears to be a quirkless middle schooler spotted the girl and truck so he rushed towards to intercept her.

"Not on my watch!" I said as I swung in and snatched both the brat and the girl. They both turn to look at me. The boy has shock and a little disappointment in his eyes, yeah your not getting isekai'd while I'm here. The girl however begins buzzing with excitement as he put her down.

"Wow!! Thank you mr Kamui!" She cheered, I gave an eye smile as I lifted my foot up to and presented the ball stuck to it. The way she gasped in surprise made me chuckle. I ruffled her hair "keep the ball on the pitch alright kid?"

She just nodded as I hopped away blatantly ignoring the white heroine who has been chasing after me the entire time. Her eyes were bloodshot because of me consciously ignoring her. If she wasn't in public she would be screaming bloody murder.

I just smirked before leaping away and continuing my patrol. At around 4pm I stopped to get some food because all that exercise made me hungry. I grabbed a few onigiri and a bottle of green tea before plastering myself on the ledge of a building.

My legs dangled in the air as I munched away while jamming. The building trembled slightly as if some great weight had just landed. I ignored it and took another bite before my shoulders were touched.

"Sorry I'm not taking autographs right now~" was what I said, I could feel a vein bulging behind me before I was shook with more strength. Sighing I turned around and saw Mt lady begin to mouth off at me.

After she looked like she was done I reached up to my helmet and revealed the ear phones before phasing them. "Sorry what were you saying? Couldn't hear a thing".

The eye mask she was wearing stretched to look like a demons eyes as she gnashes her teeth. "I was saying! Long time no see Nishiya Sempai!"

I titled my head "do I know you?" She froze at that before staring straight into my eyes and asking in a lower tone "you don't remember me?"

I stared back hard before saying "Mi TakoYami?"

She grabbed me by the shoulders and began shaking me "you bastard senpai!! We spent an entire year in library together! You were tutoring me on hero law! I paid you a fortune (at the time)! And you don't even have the decency to remember my name!!"

I grabbed my chin "I tutored a lot of people" her face was hilarious to me but anyone else would have shit their pants and run for the hills. So I raised my hands "kidding Yu, course I remember."

She calmed down and exhaled fumes before plopping down beside me and swiping one of my onigiri. She then began ranting about all that happened to her since I graduated.

Turns out she had a one night stand with Nemuri, she brought that up after saying she interned under her agency in her final year. I nearly shot out my drink when she rated her a "7/10".

"Why are you talking about midnight Yu?"

"Cause she posted on her social media that she was dating someone with a hardwood so she's off the market. Only guy I know who had frequent wood puns going on and who had been sighted near here was you."

I slumped, the girls worked out what the tabloids couldn't in hours. I asked her about her love life but got something similar to Nemuri. Just flings, men felt emasculated by her size quirk and women were jealous bitches. She also talked about how most giant or size quirk users abuse their quirk to compensate.

It was quite a laugh, after we finished the food we decided to patrol together for abit. She asked me about seeing my face once after all the time. Shinji wore a face mask like shoji does when he was attending UA. The hair style I have has changed since then to match Azuma's dreadlocks from fairy tail so no one has any clue what I actually look like.

She praised me wishing she did something similar as she gets mobbed by simps whenever she goes out to her private life. The fun ended when we caught sight off the smoke rising in the evening sky. Fuck! The sludge villain.

We both jumped into action, I swung their rapidly whilst she just grew and ran through the road which had little traffic. When we arrived in the shopping district I saw a manic Pomeranian lathered in living slime with a "ive been bad touched" look on his face.

The civilians are crowding the place while the sludge villain is rampaging and using bakugo like an explosive bat destroying everything in his way. No sign of small might or Deku. So I turned to Yu and began making orders cause the other guys are doing jack shit.

Time to reveal my new moves~. "Mount Lady! Move these people back! They're crowding the area and are likely to get in the crossfire! Death Arms! Move any large debris away and use it to make a blockade! Water hazard! Aim for a spray upwards to try and dilute the villain and dampen the fires."

They snapped into gear after I finally got them out of their sheep like state. While they were doing that I let a new type of construct form off my arms.

Vibrant green leaves began sprouting from my arms and legs aweing the civilians who were watching me. I then began overlapping them so they formed a green scale like pattern. I came up with it after praying to my patron god, he's a dragon so I should have something scale related was my thought process.

So he allowed me to finally produce leaves again, shinji hasn't since he stopped working with the drug trade to produce marijuana. It was like a mental block preventing me from going forward. Now it looks like I have scaled green blades sticking out of my limbs.

I swung my arm and fired spinning leaf blades near the villain. I aimed above him so I could hit some pipes. One of them actually did something as bow water was pouring down on the villain. He bagged as his right side began to fall limp in the water.

Blunt force won't work on this guy because he's gelatinous so I have to either wet him or cut him apart to remove bakugo. Fortunately I now have access to leaves which I used to recreate some Pokemon moves. There are only like six of those so it wasn't to hard.

While the villain panicked I pulled off a growvyle and began carving around bakugo with oscillating leaf blades. Sludge left the blonde boys mouth causing him to inhale deeply. I wrapped some wood around his freed arm and tugged.

The villain noticed so he latched onto Bakugo's other arm. Instead of assisting me the bonds brat screamed "I DONT NEED HELP!" And tried to blast the villain. That didn't work out well as the villain batted away the palm carrying a bomb.

The heat soared into the air whilst the villain smirked so I shot a magical leaf at his face. He squealed in pain as I hit his one eye. I pulled harder dislodging bakugo fully, he grinned and turned to lay into the villain making me smack my head mentally. The fuck is this kid doing?!?!?

Before he could blast we heard "KACCHAN!?!" Followed by a school bag hitting the villain. He writhes in further pain and began lashing out, the second palm bakugo launched was then smacked right towards me.

Bakugo couldn't control the explosion so it detonated in my face launching me into a building. My one thought was "god fucking dammit! Deku I hope you get 7 STD's along with that quirk!!" As my worldview began to swirl.

The heat from the explosion didn't hurt me thanks to my flame retardant bath routine. Fully incorporated that stuff into my wood so I can't be burned as easily any more. The force behind the explosion however rocked my head making me concussed.

As I got to my feet I looked towards the sludge villain that began expanding over the two boys. Where the tuck was all might?! I thought in my delirium as I rushed towards the villain to shield the boys. I was loopy as fuck so I didn't think about how he was probably about to do something.

So I shoved the boys aside and began to throw the heaviest punch I could. A pair of spiked wooden knuckle dusters coated my right fist. Before I could make contact however *fwaawnsh*


All might appeared and smashed the villain to bits while simultaneously putting out the fires and clearing away the shitty weather. All might turned around to check the boys to see if they were alright before giving a speech to them about heroics.

Before the civilians could rush over to try and bask in his glory he turned to me. "Young Kamui! The fight is over! You can stand down!" He said loudly but my body remained in the same punching position.

All might walked towards me to shake me but found my eyes had rolled back and that I was bleeding from my head. He called out loudly for a medical evac for me before he mentally noted "he risked himself despite his injuries to save the boys! It warms my heart to see a true hero among the force nowadays".

Bakugo, the boy who was the main victim in all of this stood their wide eyed and processing everything that happened. He got molested by flubber! That damn quirkless Deku stepped into save him! He attacked a pro hero dammit! He looked at the unconscious Kamui Woods who saved his life (though he won't admit it) even though he had just attacked him.

At that time a golden light shined down from the recently blown away clouds. Bakugo was mesmerised by the knocked out hero. Even in a bad situation he stands tall like a mighty oak tree! Bakugo has always idolised all might and never really paid attention to the others. But now a small bit of worship has bloomed in his mind for someone besides all might. He wants to be a hero surpassing all might..... and kamui woods!