
Hmm so I have to keep everyone content and not let them know there's a villain in the audience. Shouldn't be too hard~.

I emerged from the tunnel and retook my spot on the podium. I tapped the mic again "Wow what a spectacular performance from the first year students. Real plus ultra! Props to young Midoriya for achieving first quirkless. He's one to watch out for!"

The heroes in the audience locked onto Deku and began analysing his quirk. I also spotted bakugo in the audience with a frown on his face. He's not as angry as the canon one, perhaps the lack of Midoriya at the start of the year allowed him to mellow out a fair bit.

So I continued to speak "it's a shame he chose such a method to show off!" This drew everyone's attention back to me. I could feel a sense of dread begin to form in the boy. I could also feel a hard stare coming from the VIP section. The intensity behind it makes me believe it's either All might or Endeavour.

"The next happens to be a good old fashioned Calvary battle. The better your placement in the race the higher your score! Aoyama at 42nd place starts off with five points whilst Midoriya at 1st place starts off with a whopping 1 million points!!!!"

Que that scene in the anime were everyone glares at Midoriya. For real, the whole area darkened and peoples eyes started glowing.

I then went into an in-depth explanation about the game along with what is and isn't allowed. If the team has a flier then he's only allowed to leave his team for so many seconds otherwise it would be counted as a down.

Uraraka was vibrating in excitement at this rule, one tap and she beats most people. Secondly I imposed rules on collateral damage, they're heroes so they should try and keep that to a minimum I explained getting nods from the audience.

Todoroki clicked his tongue subtly at that, I'm not having a heaven piercing ice cap in my face just cause you got issues kid!

Lastly I grinned evilly but no one noticed because of my face plate so I stretched my eye smile to show I was performing an act of sadism.

"Lastly boys and girls it's come to my attention that inter class relations aren't too good at the moment. So for this race you can only team up with one other member of your class and must have more than three members!"

The students began panicking before my ear piece buzzed. I tapped it "that's an interesting rule kamui but could you please tell me why you chose to add it?" Asked a sickeningly sweet voice.

"Ah nezu, you big chinchilla how are ya!" I replied jovially. I then heard a lot of background noice followed by glass smashing "nature document—-chinchi—-pristine coat—-your fired——-no pay——discovery channel—".

Random words were cutting in and out before I heard an *ahem* "apologies Kamui there was some technical difficulties. Anyway your reasoning as to why my students are panicking?"

"Call girl said wrench was in the audience and I needed to buy time. The rule and the commotion these kids are causing is serving as a distraction, look at how the audience is debating combinations." I replied whilst the line went silent.

Beneath me I felt a clicking noice before the arena began to slowly transform. The kids began scurrying away from the platform whilst the audience honed in on the spectacle.

I smirked as numerous platforms sprouted from the ground and coloured paints began to fill the pit that had just formed. I also noticed several cannons sprouting in the audience with handles attached.

"Ladies and Gentleman! You are in for a treat! The schools illustrious principal has decided to up the ante! If any student is marked by the paint they are disqualified and their points invalidated! Several members of the audience will also notice a cannon in front of them. That's a high powered paint hose developed for riot control. Take aim at the kids and let a rip!"

The buzzer sounded and began to count down from 5. The kids were shocked into action so they began scurrying to form teams.

I noticed bakugo grab kirishima and tetsutetsu who grabbed ibara. Smart, the girl could replace sero and now he has to people who can tank an explosion. Deku formed the same team as cannon which was technically within the rules.

I didn't get a chance to watch the other teams before the sound system was hacked and someone began playing the beyblade opening.

Several audience members took to the guns and began firing streams of paint or water balloons filled with paint. The arena became a splatoon game. Tsuyu Asui looked to be in her element as she hopped of shoji's back onto air platforms made by the guy from 1-B. Her tongue was snatching a lot of head bands.

Five minutes in I noticed some of the heroes discreetly shifting in the audience. Seems they've been keyed into the situation. I smirked seeing as there was only half the time left and decided to make things more interesting (chaotic).

I jumped up in the podium and shouted "grand wood maze" making the audience watch me. My fist slammed into the ground and my quirk pumped some roots into the ground.

The arena began being overwhelmed with wooden barricades and barriers upto a persons waist. I turned the arena into a maze, the riot cannons were beginning to run low on ammunition so they had to time their shots better if they wanted to hit the kids.

Said kids were not having a good time, the situation just kept getting more bleak for them. I began chanting the names of people who were eliminated whilst Nezu cackled in my ear about rats and cheese.

Soon the time buzzed and I removed the wooden walls. I clicked my tongue when I noticed all that was left were the people who fought in cannon.

{boss the villain is in the rafters, he's aiming for one of the students. Be prepared to step in during the fights and rescue the kids.}.

I wonder who wrench is actually after?