105. Xebel

After touring the Museum. Everyone came out with a look of realisation and understand like they learnt something grand.

Then everyone went for a late lunch. The lunch was Shark fins, Whale meat and all other kinds of exotic fishes.

"A unique lunch I would say". Alex said while looking at the table full of dishes.

"But it's tasty". Selena's said with a smile was stretching from ear to ear.

"Once in a while, this is also good". Pamela said while eating her food. She was wearing normal clothes rather than her Ivy costume that she usually wears.

Alex could've changed the clothes for her but she changed them in the clothing store.

After Lunch, they wanted to roam around some historical places.

"Let's go to Xebel. You have never been there". Mera protested before anyone could voice their opinions and set the matter in stone.

"Alright everyone, we will follow the whims of Princess Mera". Alex said grandly like a minister to his King and lined up behind her with everyone.

Mera chuckled at his acts and shook her in amusement.

"Let's go". Mera pointed forward and Alex snapped his fingers.

All of them disappeared from their place while leaving a very perplexed and worried Mermaid behind.

The Mermaid quickly got out of the square and went to the palace to report their disappearance. She didn't want to take any responsibility for it.

On the other hand, Alex and the others were standing in front of a canyon full of pointy buildings and dome like houses.

"So this is Xebel huh". Alex said while looking around at the pointy buildings.

"Yeah, we pride ourselves in our warriors and culture". Mera puffed up her chest and said with pride.

"Oh warriors". Diana and Barbara said at the same time when they heard her words.

"Dear, you don't want to challenge right?" Hancock caught Alex's arm when she saw a gleam in his eyes.

"You go and enjoy with Zatanna and the others. I will be go and look with Diana and Barbara but first we have to go to the Palace". Alex said and looked at the incoming soldiers.

"Princess Y'Mera, your Father has been expecting you". The soldiers immediately bowed and saluted Mera.

"Lead the way". Mera nodded and motioned them to move.

The soldiers saluted again and started moving in the front.

They quickly got into the palace and saw Nereus sitting on the throne with a smile.

"Welcome to my Kingdom. I am happy that you gave us a chance at hospitality". Nereus immediately said grandly and looked at Alex with a certain gleam in his eyes.

Who doesn't have ambitions in their bones but he also knew that he can't move Alex. Still, he can ask him to protect their kingdom when needed.

Everything in this world works on what Benefits you can provide to the other party. No one likes to work for free.

"No need to be like this. Let me introduce you to everyone". Alex said and started to introduce everyone to Nereus.

Nereus nodded his head with a smile and didn't say anything about Alex's multiple girlfriends. It was quite common in their Monarchy.

After finishing the introduction. They asked him to let them roam around the city and Nereus generously gave them two guards for their tour.

They roamed around the whole kingdom and saw everything that this kingdom has to offer.

"So, how do you guys came to be? We saw Atlantis' founding but what about you?" Diana asked while looking around the structure and different things in the City.

"We can also go to the Museum in our Kingdom". Mera said and motioned the guards to lead the way.

"Mmhmm". Everyone nodded their heads.

Martha, Thomas and Alfred were talking with King Nereus about whatever and the rest were here roaming around the kingdom.

"We were also under the rule of Atlantis at the start. Then our first King felt that the oppression of Atlantis on Mermen who don't look Human was too much and left the Kingdom with a large of people.

There were challenges because Atlantis wasn't willing to let such a large number of cheap labour or slaves go out of their hands.

But through the persistent efforts of several generations. This large Kingdom was set up for the Mermen that looked different from Humans.

And to this day, we continue to strengthen our Army and warriors for any unforeseen circumstances". The Royal Guards guided and introduced the story and History of the place.

Atlantis is a Monarchy with Nobles and the Royal Family. The bottom rung of Civilians are treated no different from slaves and are completely oppressed by everyone.

But they have the lost the will to fight or change their destiny after so many generations of the oppression.

This now just feels normal to them. They have food and a roof. They already content with what they have.

Alex also felt this when he went to Atlantis for the frat time. The situation has improved a little from what he saw but every change takes time.

Even Arthur is helpless in this regard and cannot change everything so easily.

He has to listen to his subjects and he is slowly changing their perception on things.

Alex and others roamed the whole Museum and saw their old weapons, portraits and city structures that were clearly displayed there.

Everyone felt like they had come to a history when they decided to come on this trip and it also helped them to relax their tightened nerves from the fighting.

After a satisfying tour of the Museum and the city with a small amount of shopping for clothes and different accessories. They were finally done with the tour.

"Get ready you two. Today, you will get your just desserts". Alex whispered in Pamela and Selena's ears lightly while emitting hot steam.

"I have heard that you've been bad girls". He said and lightly spanked their asses.

"You can try me anytime". Selena circled his neck and kissed him right there.

Pamela didn't shy away either and joined in the fun. Quickly, the other girls joined in as well.

Alex saw the situation was not right and quickly took them away with a snap of his fingers.