155. Timeskip

A young man could be seen sitting in front of some teenagers dripping with sweat from their heads.

"Guys, be more persevering. You can't back out just yet". Alex said and chewed on some popcorn and drank some juice like he was watching a movie.

All of them glared at him when they saw him enjoying himself at their misery.

"Why don't you restrain your power and train with us as well?" Raven snapped at him finally after staying silent for so long.

"Hmm, why not?" Alex shrugged and used some acupuncture to seal off his strength to peak human like all the brats in front of him.

"Let's go". Alex said lightly and got into the push up position immediately to start some push ups.

"Let me count". Beast boy immediately got in front front and started counting immediately.

Soon, the count started to get bigger and bigger but Alex didn't even break a sweat from his body.

"That already makes it ten thousand huh". He said lightly and stood up to flex his muscles at them.

He put his arms up and curled both his biceps at the same time with his back.

His shirt burst open and his muscles were visible in everyone's eyes.

Beast Boy, Wally West, Blue Beetle, Robin and the other boys were hooting when they saw him flexing his muscles.

Not all of them were hooting because Aqualad and some of the others were looking at Alex calmly without changing their face.

Some of the girls weren't better either. They were looking at Alex like a delicious piece of meat.

"Hey Alex, remember your promise?" Kara immediately came forward and asked with shining eyes.

"Hey, it's my turn". Wonder girl complained and blocked Kara's front before she could get a reply.

"Stop fighting guys". Starfire interjected in between and stopped them before it could escalate further.

These two are considered rivals in the guild and easily get into fights over anything.

Meanwhile, Cassandra was calmly sipping tea next to Alex and hadn't moved from her chair in all this while.

Suddenly, the chair below her disappeared but she was still fixed in the same position and kept on sipping her tea.

"No fun, tch". Wally clicked his tongue when he saw his attempt failed at making her fall down.

This was Young Justice now after two years. A very beautiful and chaotic mess of teenagers and kids mixing together.

When powered individuals like them get together like this. They just have to make trouble with their powers that's why Alex trains daily to keep them in control.

"M'gann, wanna go on a date?" Suddenly Beast Boy yelled again like always in the building when he saw M'gann standing quietly with a smile.

"Go away". She waved her hand like shooing away a fly from her side.

Beast Boy's face dropped like a puppy and he drooped his shoulders in defeat.

"Oi, how many times was this?" Blue beetle asked Aqualad while laughing.

"Five hundred". Aqualad replied plainly but even his face was twitching from this.

He just didn't know how could someone take so many rejections like that.

"Don't worry, I have a girlfriend and you will have one too". Wally came to Beast Boy's side and rubbed salt on his open wounds.

"Ugh". Beast boy held his heart in a fake way like it hurt him so much.

'Critical hit'. Alex thought when he looked at it. He was feeling some pity for the guy now.

"Let's go". Out of nowhere, Raven to his side and abducted Alex right under everyone's nose.

"Before I disappear, another assignment has come through. So go and take care of it". Alex said before disappearing and updated the files on everyone's devices.

"Oh man, this is the tenth time today. The world is getting more and more chaotic". Dick whined when he heard Alex's words.

Ever since AntiMonitor started to expand for detonation in the past two years.

The situation in the Multiverse has gotten more and more chaotic.

The Phantom Zone has been unstable and Kara was able escape it because of that easily.

More and more Villains and incidents have started to happen on the daily.

The overall integrity of the world is going downhill because of the incident and Alex is powerless to stop this.

He can only do something when AntiMonitor finally erupts and sweeps away everything.

Prime Superboy has also gone back to his verse after visiting for a couple of day because he was missing home.

His relationship has also been going great with everyone. Raven and Cassandra have started to cling to him more in front of everyone in Young Justice.

Most of the Justice League members found their side kicks and sent them to Young Justice for training and to perform hero duties that can be handled by them.

Alex was happy to oblige. He wanted to start this thing anyway and having additional will only be welcomed.

Martha also comes along some times to look after the kids in the building like a dean.

She loved it and Alex never stopped her from doing it either.

Thomas has been handling the business very well and Bruce has been liberated a lot to do his Batman Business.

Bruce is almost always being Batman but her sometimes disappears off the radar and comas back after some time like nothing happened.

Alex never asked but he is sure that he goes see a girl at the very least.

He is not as stiff as his canon counterpart but beside Alex and family. No one has ever seen him smile.

The kids were also coming along nicely. He has saved plenty of powered individuals in the past two years and this number will only rise in the future.

He has set up a lot of boarding schools for the orphaned kids as well.

He can't expect to save everyone but he is doing his best with whatever he can provide.

And his help has proved to be the least effective since the start of AntiMonitor's expansion.

The chaos just keeps spreading every single say and it won't be long before this thing finally erupts in full.