MY Favourite Place

"How could that girl talk about my Grandson like that?" Aunty, let's leave them alone, we don't have time to waste on them, let's wish them all the best for their Marriage!

Good luck to you dear Eric and Debra! "Laurance?" i'm fine Mom! all my wishes for them is to have a happy Family like me, see? we are happy! i miss Mam Colette! "Ladies, we always go there, let's have some rest, we'll go there later." i guess i want to become an artist, "are you going to change your subject?" yes! i want to be graphite pencil artist.

"Are you sure?" yes! "so, you're going to start again?" yes, i can't go back to that college, "are you ready?" yes, next year! "what matters to me is your happiness," i love you Mommy! "and i love you more!" on 26th July, Donna, Marcelle, Anna and Isabelle went to school for practicing, Laurance and Prince accompanied them and Grandma Juliette stayed home alone.

They practiced very hard with Isabelle as they were getting ready for international ballet competition. who's there? MS Juliette opened the door; "Hello Mam!" Hello MRS Bonnet! "is Anna here?" they went for practicing, they will participate in the competition, "do you know when they are going to come back?" no, maybe they won't take too long.

"Tell Anna that her Father Fernand came to visit her," are you already leaving? come in and wait for her, they won't take too long. MRS Fernand was afraid of staying with MS Juliette because she was André's Mother.

Ah Umm... MRS Fernand, come in, it's okay! "thanks Mam!" they had Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Juice. how have you been? where do you live? "i live in Saint Germain Des Prés The Odeon, i'm fine thanks! and you?" i'm good! MRS Fernand, i'm sorry for what my son have done to you, maybe saying this, isn't enough, but i apologize to you, forgive me! i couldn't stop him.

He've been manipulating me for false accusations that i killed his Father, but he passed away from blood cancer, i was afraid of being in jail and i'm no longer a scammer. so now Anna knows the truth, she can't love her Father André the way she loves you, and André doesn't deserve her love, hope you still loves her as your own daughter,

Mam, if you wasn't able to stop him, it's not your fault, i forgive you and don't stop loving André, you're still his Mother! "thanks for your forgiveness!"

Martin? "Patricia?" let's go somewhere, "where?" come on, let's go! "i have to study." Martin, i have to study too, but why can't we take 30 minutes? "but where are we going?" let's go! Patricia took Martin to CHELSEA PHYSIC GARDEN; "Patricia, what are we doing here?" i like this place, isn't it beautiful? they were wearing flower crowns and they had Grap Kia-Ora juice.

"Twenty two minutes left," are you counting? "yes! we need to study hard for exams," Patricia gave Martin Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk Heart Pop Chocolate; "Patricia, it's not yet my birthday." Martin, i know you love me even if you're shy, are we going to be like this for the rest of our lives? "what do you mean?" you love me! don't you? if you don't, leave me here and go, it's gonna be the proof that you don't, and we'll be just friends.

She closed her eyes; one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Patricia opened her eyes and Martin was still standing in front of her; you're not leaving? why don't you say something? well, i love you and it's not because of your money, i love you!, please be my man, if you're not leaving. Martin stayed silent and looked into Patricia's eyes.

Aren't you going to say something? maybe i should be the one to leave. at the time she started to walk, Martin grabbed her and kissed her; "i'm your Man, and you're my Woman!" they smiled and hugged warmly; "zero minute left," what?

Kidding! let's stay here, from now this is my favourite place, they took pictures for souvenir, wearing flower crowns, holding chocolates and juices. Patricia, you know? i loved you from the first day... "and you didn't say anything.."

I won't tell you, i will show you! you're in the right hands, nobody will take you away from me, "Martin? are you really saying this to me?" yes! when are we going to have children? "let's graduate first, now we can go to study," umm, fine! we can go now. they were holding each other's hands at school and everyone was wondering what was going on! they both kept their crowns as souvenir!

"So Mam, does André live here?" no, you don't read newspapers? you didn't know what happened? "no, why would it be in newspapers?" don't you know that your daughter is famous? "no! is she?" don't you know The Golden Stars? from The Opera National De Paris? "no! i live a very busy life." Anna study there, "is it about ballet dance?" yes, "i remember that it was her dream!"

Now she's very famous with her two friends, Donna and Marcelle. they appeared on World Wide International TV, their group name is Sept-Ballerines, The Golden Stars, so everything that happens to this Family goes on TV and in Newspapers, i really hate paparazzi. on André birthday 20th August last year, Isabelle caught André cheating on her with Georgette, that's when i found strength to tell them the truth.

Isabelle kicked him out of this house, he's living with Georgette, "i no longer care about Georgette, and i already forgave them, so Mam, from now we're friends?" yes, friends!

"Are you okay?" Mam, i'm going to tell you a secret, "it's okay!" many years ago, i have rapped a girl in U.S.A in the club, i was drunk because i loved my wife so much, and we're in divorce process. i reported myself and was in jail for one month, they didn't find that girl that girl, there wasn't anyone to testify against me, i tried to look for her but i couldn't find her, i was famous, i didn't want to face journalists, i was very embarrassed, i wish i could find her and apologize to her, "if you mean it, God will help you!" thanks Mom!

Great job Ladies, i guess we're both feeling exhausted! they went outside near the trees, Donna was smiling; "Donna? what's going on right now? you look very happy," we should be, i really love this place, this is my favourite place, "why?" don't you remember the day when you saved me? they were calling me dollar. "oh! we were standing here," 'i remember that too.' "so, this is my favourite place too" "Ladies, let's go!"

I guess it's them, let me open the door; Dad? "Anna?" oh my God, you're here? Isabelle and Donna seemed to be surprised ~why does MRS Fernand looks a like with...?~ Isabelle was talking to herself.

Aunty Isabelle, this is Dad Fernand, 'Hello!' "Hello MS Isabelle!" sadly Marcelle isn't here, so, this is Laurance, Aunty Isabelle's daughter, my Sister, and this is Donna, Aunty Isabelle was her Mother's friend, she passed away, "i'm sorry for your loss Donna!" "it's fine MRS Fernand and Nice to meet you!" Fernand looked surprised too; that's Prince, Laurance's son.

Anna and MRS Fernand were talking, they really missed each others so bad, and he went back to his home; thanks Dad, next time we will visit you!

On 28th July 1983 at 8:00AM, Anna, Marcelle, Donna, Isabelle arrived at Paris Airport-Le Bourget; girls, we can do this! it's time to go, come on. Isabelle received a call from Laurance and Mam Juliette; Hello sweetie, we're in a hurry, "Good Luck Ladies!" thanks Mam, thanks Laurance, "and have a safe flight!" thank you! at 12:00PM, they arrived at Sofia International Airport.

On 30th July 1983, they participated in international ballet competition, Donna won first place, Anna won fourth place, Marcelle won third place and Isabelle won fifth place; oh my God! Ladies congratulations to us, we did it! from that day, The Golden Stars and Isabelle gained much attention, Debra and Eric were watching.

The Golden Stars again? they were living in Evelyn's house, as she was keeping an eye on Eric; Mom, i want my Bridal Shower to trend than The Golden Stars. where is it going to take place? "just here, look around, this is the nicest place, i love my house, this is my favourite place." MS Evelyn whispered in Debra's ears

In a whispering voice; Mother, you don't need to worry that much, he can't leave me, because i'm pregnant. "Great Job!"

On 1st August, Marcelle, Anna, Donna and Isabelle came back from Bulgaria, they talked to journalists confidently and appeared on Colour Télévision, their fandom was growing faster, Fernand was watching too and was impressed by Donna more than Marcelle and Anna, but still loved Anna. "congratulations Ladies and welcome back home!" they went at Raimo Dessert Paris Shop to celebrate their success. on 5th December 1983, it was Debra's Bridal Shower, The Renaud Family and The Golden Stars were getting ready to go in U.S.A San Francisco in holidays.