Let Me Change My Mind

On 7th December 1983, Debra and Tina were enjoying the party with Tina's friends, they took shots, Tina forced Debra to do it.

As she was the only friend she was counting on, so she didn't want to be alone, she ignored about her baby to please Tina and her friends. Eric was sleeping, they kept on taking shots.

Friends, enough! i'm not suppose to do this, let me stop by here, i'm tired and i'm going to sleep. Tina met with Catherine; "i did it." great job! here's your money, hope you're going to disappear soon, "i'm not leaving." we agreed that you will leave, "fine! i'm going to leave," let's meet again!

On 8th December, Debra felt ill and exhausted, she went to the hospital for check-up; what's wrong with me? my baby don't be mad at me, i won't drink again, calm down, me and your Father we're getting married soon, come on Debra, don't be weak, it's your time to shine not to fall, i'm really scared, what happened to me? Ouch! "Debra, are you ok?" my tummy hurts, but it's not yet nine months, they told me that my baby is fine! Eric, can you hear me? wake up!

Are you still drunk? you took shots while you're pregnant, you're stupid! i'm regretting about this, i would have stayed with Laurance.

Don't say like that, i gave you all of me, i gave you my heart, Laurance is no longer interested in you.

Now we're friends, i apologized to her, she forgave me, you didn't apologize to her, you don't truly love her and you don't deserve her. do you love Catherine now? is she better than me? Eric, after what you did to me, i still love you! let's be happy, our special day is coming, i'll give you everything you want.

On 10th December 1983, Donna found that MS Cécile and MS Evelyn murdered her Mother, she found their voice notes planning Helen's death, they left her in the car alone, and told her that they are going to the toilet. then a red truck crashed the car, Helen was left alone, there wasn't any person to take her to the hospital, she bled till her death.

My Mother deserve justice, i guess the police isn't going to help us, so, what are we going to do? "don't think about revenge."

What else then? they corrupted, that's why they didn't do anything about it, and remember, they removed the battery, they were trying to hide evidences. Aunty Isabelle, hope you're not going to feel guilty about her death this time, "i could have saved her, if..."

Aunty, stop! we already know who's behind my Mother's death, and today is Debra's Wedding Day, she gave me evidences, i guess she've changed, what Am i going to do? i was thinking about taking revenge on her or her future baby, but no no, let me change my mind! Mommy doesn't want me to hurt anyone.

"Congratulations for your Wedding Day!" i'm still feeling tired, but don't worry, i'm gonna be fine!

Debra was left in the dressing room, she looked in the mirror; Debra, you look cute today! don't be weak, it's your Wedding Day, a day that comes once in life, your husband is waiting for you, and today he's going to love you, even more, you're really looking good! she held her gift from Laurance in her hands; my baby's name is ▪Prince Hartley▪she wrote it on her gift, she wrote on her gift.

Journalists, Guests, Family, Family's friends and Eric, were waiting for Debra in the garden, a beautiful decorated garden; Debra, let's go! they are waiting for you. her Mother heard a baby crying, she opened the door and found Debra laying on the floor holding a pencil sketch, her baby was born premature, Tina poisoned Debra through her drinks and forced her to take shots.

They took Debra at Hôtel-Dieu De Paris hospital, luckily the baby survived from poison, and sadly Debra died on her wedding day, Eric was in shock.

On 10th December 1983, it was Debra's Wedding Day, she was found dead, laying on the floor, her baby was born premature but he survived, on 7th December, Debra Hartley celebrated her Bridal Shower's after party with Tina whom she considered as her left friend, and Tina's friends.

Tina forced Debra to take shots, from that day, Debra felt ill and exhausted everyday, sadly, she passed away from poison, we're sending our condolences and prayers to The Hartley Family, Eric Moulin, Debra's fans, and Family's friends, you're watching Colour Télévision.

What? What is just going on? this isn't true? i... i can't believe that. Everyone was in shock, especially Donna, Laurance, MS Evelyn, Marcelle, Anna and MS Isabelle, even Prince cried after watching the news.

Laurance? are we both going back in France? we need to help the baby, Tina and Catherine are willing to kill him, let's wait for 12 months, we need to save that baby, because MS Evelyn and Eric, will not take care of him, "Eric is careless, well, it's my first time to see his face in shock, i still can't believe this."

Catherine, what did you do? wasn't Debra your friend? "she forced me to take mife pristone." but that wasn't the right decision, you should have reported her to the police instead of killing her, oh my God! how is Evelyn thinking about me? MS Cécile was afraid of what is going to happen between her and Debra's Mother.

On 12th December, MS Evelyn, Eric, and MRS John Hartley, were still at the hospital. MS Evelyn was holding Debra's gift in her hands, reading what she wrote on it.

I can't believe Laurance gave a gift to my daughter, after everything she has done to her, i guess Laurance is kind, as i can see, she's talented too. Debra? you gave your son Prince as his name? you loved Laurance's son? when did you change? i need to change too! "Evelyn, are you ok?" i'm not, how Am i suppose to be ok? Debra is no longer in this world.

At the time they were talking, Eric received a call from Catherine; Love? don't think about Debra, she's gone, we will be together freely, my Mom fixed everything, and i'm not going to jail. well, i'll be a good Mother to your baby, "can you leave me alone? leave me alone!" come on Eric, i will not kill your son, i know that you're worried about him, he will be fine, "and we will never be together after what you did to my Family, i didn't love you, now you can leave."

Wait hah? so, you were playing with my feelings? i know, you enjoyed our moment together, i know you love me, "i don't love you, and i don't want to love again."

"Eric, who are you talking to? give me that phone." Catherine thought she's still talking with Eric; that's not you, you didn't truly love Debra. if yes, you should have not slept with me, you should have not cheated on her, on her Bridal Shower. i have money too, and i will fix you, you will like it! so, you don't have any choice, tomorrow, we will meet and arrange our marriage, if not, i'll tell MS Evelyn that you're the reason why i poisoned her daughter, how are you going to survive after that?

MS Evelyn hanged up the phone. Hello? Eric? wait, so, you hanged up the phone? do you think it's a solution? "Catherine, who are you talking with?" my future husband! "who? why are you smiling?"

"Mom, it's Eric!" you killed Debra over that stupid boy? "Mom, i love him, and i loved him." Cécile slapped Catherine in her face; "Mom?" you're only causing me troubles, i slept with five officers for you and that idiot Tina, there isn't anything funny here, there isn't any reason to smile.

MS Evelyn slapped Eric in his face; you cheated on my daughter? you really slept with Catherine? "i'm sorry Mam!" she slapped him again; you should say sorry to my daughter, my only baby, the only child i had, now she's gone because of you, the only person she cared about, was you. you played with her feelings, do you even love your son? Eric, you're idiot!

Are you going to raise my Grandson with Catherine? no no, that will never happen, "Mam, i'm really sorry!" look at him, this is your last time to see him, now leave, and leave my house, go.

I'm changing my mind again, "what?" should we revenge on Cécile and Catherine? Catherine tried to bully me with her friends, let's make them pay for what they've done to my Mother and Debra, "but hope you will never kill someone." of course not, we will only make them regret for the rest of their lives, 'and what will you do to MS Evelyn? she was with Cécile too.' God already punished her, Debra was her only child.