The Golden Stars Bond

Hey Donna? "Hey Laurance!" where is your fiance? he seem to be shy, "over there! he's talking with Mother-in-law, what are you doing?"

Excuse me! Mam Colette? "yes Laurance," can i talk to your son? "umm..Donna?" 'it's okay! she's my sister.' "great! go ahead," actually Brian wants to talk to you, not me.

"Brian?" Charles, Congratulations! "thanks, Congratulations to us!" me and Laurance were talking about conquering the world and making history, "that's everyone's wish, but sometimes it's dangerous, it requires much strength to face haters," and we need to be careful, not everyone likes that kind of success, "well, i'm ready!" you want to be a famous skater? "yes, sometimes i feel like i am too late for that, but thanks to Donna, she cheer me up when i'm battling that kind of feeling."

"How about you?" i'm a businessman, "you're rich at a very young age, what's your secret?" nothing special, i just love my profession, you know? never waste your time doing what you don't want to, or nonsense, and what you don't like. first of all, you must know what you're looking for, what you need, "that's why i rejected to be a lawyer, it's a good career but, i didn't want it."

Never give up! keep it up! "thanks so much! you'll have a powerful Family, you're a businessman, and Laurance is an artist," same as yours, a skater and a ballerina, so cute! "thanks haha!" what? Ladies, what are you doing here? you heard our conversations? 'yes, nothing special! let's work hard and be careful!'

Today On 6th June 1985 Donna's 23rd birthday, Charles Basset who saved her life the time André Renaud, Isabelle's husband was going to stab her, proposed to her to marry him, and she said yes!, they were at Mitchell's Ice-cream Shop San francisco, you're watching Colour Télévision( WNBC TV)

MS Georgette was watching, she immediately went to the internet cafe.

Donna? "yes! is there any problem? you look worried," have you seen Mommy? i'm calling her and she isn't answering, she's not here. "maybe she felt exhausted and went home," Grandma? 'yes sweetie!' have you seen Mommy? 'isn't she here?' she's not, and she isn't answering the phone, 'but she was happy! i guess she's home, or she visited Helen's Grave.'

They immediately went to The San francisco Asis Cemetery; Helen my Best Friend, our daughters have finances, they're getting married. i know that Laurance will not be coward and abandone Donna like i abandoned you, look how romantic both are, they kissed, and she will be a beautiful Bride.

I'm still regretting about what I've done to you, i wish you were here, can you hear me? i wish i could bring back the past, but it's fine! i'm happy, you're happy, we're happy together, i can feel it, i love you and i miss you! Donna and Laurance were tearful! Ladies, what are you doing here? hope you're not worried about me, 'you worried everyone, Mom, let's go back!' Donna, you want to say something to your Mommy? "yes!"go ahead! Donna gazed at her Mother's Grave and gave a wind kiss to it.

On 8th June, Anna received an email from her Mother; Anna, don't be so funny, you're celebrating someone's engagement who ruined your Father's image? she sent Le Figaro Magazine News to her; take a look! "Charles Basset who saved her life, the time André Renaud, Isabelle's husband was going to stab her.."

So, everyone consider The Renaud Family as murderers, do you think Donna isn't happy about that? she requested journalists to do that, to embarrass you and your Father.

Mother Georgette listen, even if it might be true, that won't make me hate Donna, and that won't make Dad André hate Donna. you want to turn me into a monster like you did to Dad André years ago? no! that isn't going to work, because once a looser, always a looser! stay in your red zone and don't cross the boarder, because i will ruin your life, bye! and nobody miss you.

Anna showed that email to her Father André; what does she wants from you? why does she want you to hate Donna? i guess she's planning something dangerous. i guess we need to protect both of you more than before, Donna and Charles should make their wedding ceremony private, i don't want what happened to Debra to happen to Donna.

I guess she sent me an email too;"Fernand's daughter embarrassed your Family's name, and you're still there? i can't change to be useless like you"

Dad, don't stop me, let me reply to her, "it's your Mother," she want to ruin my life, she want to ruin your life, why are you stopping me? are you still interested in her? Dad, listen, she's my Mother but..i don't want you to be with her again, "i understand! but be a good daughter to her," how? "instead of fighting with her, just ignore her, this won't make Donna happy, and i guess she told you to ignore about her."

Fine! just for you and Donna, "and let's not tell about this email to anyone," i can't keep a secret from Donna, "if it won't make her sad, tell her!"

Anna told Donna and Marcelle about that email; "Anna, as i told you, your Father is right! you shouldn't give your time to your Mother's negativities." On 20th June 1985, The Reece, Renaud, Basset, Bonnet Family, MS Mauricette, Marcelle and Brian, were invited in 25th Harris Wedding Anniversary, so, they went in Glasgow U.K, Martin was nervous.

Martin? "Patricia?" don't say anything, i know that you missed me, and me too! Patricia kissed Martin on his cheek, and he kissed her on her lips, Harris Family was an elegant Family.

'Congratulations MRS and MS Harris!' "thanks MRS and MS Reece!" well "Martin, how are you?" i'm good, how are you? "i'm ok thanks! why are you smiling?" i'm happy to see you, and you didn't loose your promise ring, you're still wearing it, i'm glad you really love me!

Don't make me mad, you think i'm a play girl? "no no, i didn't say that, don't be upset with me, i don't like it!" but you're trying to make me upset while you don't like it, what does it mean? i told you many times that i won't play with your feelings, that i didn't love you for your money, i even don't have any male friend, because it could hurt you, i'm cute and beautiful, i rejected many boys.

"Patricia, calm down! Patricia..." no! you should trust me this time, at the time they were arguing, Martin winked at Anna, Patricia saw it, and she was shocked; what? Martin, what are you doing? "what? i winked at Robert" no no, i'm not stupid, are you trying to flirt with my sister? "who?" Anna, she's like my sister, hope you're kidding me...

They turned off the lights, Rodney Harris screamed; Rodney? are you ok? what happened? Patricia ran to find her older brother; "Patricia wait.." Patricia kept on running, she was really worried about her brother.

"Patricia?" Mom, where is Rodney? "let's go outside, everybody, let's go outside!" at the time they went outside, people shot heart fireworks for 5 minutes, and Patricia thought it was about her Father and Mother's Wedding Anniversary; again congratulations Mother, you're my hero, you never cheated on my Father, i know, you both never cheated on each others.

Her Mother smiled, they turned on the lights; let's get inside! "not yet!" why? "turn around," Mom, now i'm mature, don't scare me, "i say turn around." she turned and Martin was on his knee, in a romantic voice; 'Patricia love, Will You Marry Me?' Patricia was shocked, she stared at her Mother, she stared at everyone, Anna winked at her.

Patricia in a ephonious voice; "yes of course, here we go!" they hugged and kissed. both Parents, Families and Friends, congratulated them. "Love, sorry! i thought that you were trying to flirt with Anna, don't think that i trust her than you, i was jealous because i.." and i know that you really love your Brothers, especially Rodney, that's why i used him, "hmm.. you win!" they kissed again.

On 25th June, The Reece, Renaud, Basset, Bonnet, Carre, Harris, Toussaint, and Clark Family, went in France. On 28th June 1985, both Families attended The Opera Nationale De Paris Anniversary (316), Sept-Ballerines( The Golden Stars) and Isabelle Renaud, were main performers and they performed well as usual, they appeared on Colour Télévision and many different televisions.

Anna had blonde hair, Donna- blue hair, Marcelle- purple hair and Isabelle- black hair, they were wearing White and Blue Tutu, and were wearing Debra Beauty, after their performances, The Golden Stars were standing besides the tree, where they met on the first day, their favourite place!

"I bet we will never forget about this tree," my Mother forwarded an email Georgette sent to her, Donna, i can't hate you, same as Anna, i don't know what Georgette wants from us, well, it's Anna's Mother, but... "no it's okay! let's ignore her." they hugged warmly.