I Am Happy

"I've been waiting for this day, Congratulations Charles!" thanks Brother! and Congratulations! you're going to be a Father again, "thanks! are you still going to live in San francisco?"

Yes, Donna can't leave her Mother's house, "you're right!" 'Colette,' yes, 'thanks for inviting me, your Son looks very happy,' Mauricette? 'yes,' are you still working at Raimo? 'yes, i guess i'll never quit that job,' i'll visit you, 'me too.' they invited Robert and his girlfriend, but they didn't come, same as Michel and Georgette.

The Golden Stars were still wearing their star golden rings; "Congratulations Ladies!" thanks Aunty! "you did it!" Isabelle bursted into tears; are you ok? "sorry guy, Donna completely look a like with her Mother," yes! "i have a surprise for you." they were curious; "welcome MS!" oh! MS Maryse? 'Congratulations girls! i'm happy and proud of you!'

'I can't believe you're still friends after everything you've been through, your friendship is really strong!' thanks MS Maryse.

yesterday On 1st January 1988, The Golden Stars Wedding Ceremony took place at Grandhotel Giessbach in Switzerland, they're such power couples, will Anna and Marcelle live in San francisco or France? Robert Reece didn't attend his Cousin's Wedding Ceremony, does he still loves his Cousin? or is he jealous of them? stay tuned, you're watching WNBC TV ( Colour Télévision).

Robert and Susan, Michel and Georgette, were watching; "honey, do you still love your Cousin?" of course not! "she isn't beautiful than me," i don't love her, but Robert was jealous of Tammy and Seongho. both Families were still in Switzerland, in Martin and Patricia's home.

Dad, i told you to ignore about Robert, okay? i know he's your Son, and he's my Brother too, i'm worried about him, but don't let him ruin your happiness, "Son don't worry, i'm happy, but why didn't he attend Donna's Wedding Ceremony?" 'i guess he needs enough time to live without us.' let him go through that, 'maybe he need to learn, he will be a good boy and come back to us,' "i'm hoping that too."

On 5th January, Harris Family went back UK, and Clark Family went back in Chicago, On 7th January, Renaud Family went back in San francisco, Maryse and Toussaint Family, went back in France.

"Marcelle?" yes Anna, "i'm sorry.." for what? "i'm feeling sorry for you, your Father didn't attend your Wedding Ceremony," i don't care! "and my Mother too," don't tell me that you're upset over that, "no, i'm happy!" let's not talk about them again, they only ruin our happiness. On 9th January, they attended Yong Wang and Anna Renaud Bonnet's Chinese Traditional Marriage and On 11th January, they attended Kim Yeong-su and Marcelle Carre's Korean Traditional Wedding.

On 14th January, the Basset, Kim and Wang Family, went in San francisco to support Donna, it was her Mother's Birthday. Anna was wearing green vintage prom dress, Marcelle was wearing pink vintage prom dress, Isabelle was wearing white vintage prom dress, Gisèle was wearing violet vintage prom dress, Colette was wearing black vintage prom dress, and Donna was wearing peach vintage prom dress.

They were wearing crowns, MS Juliette was wearing white puff sleeve vintage dress and a white flower crown. Fernand Bonnet, André Renaud, Charles Basset, Yong Wang, Yeong-su and Prince Hartley, were wearing peach double breasted suits, they changed a black wooden house into a peach wooden house, only Helen's room was black.

Brian, Laurance, and Prince Renaud, arrived at Helen's home at 9:45AM, Laurance was wearing white and peach vintage prom dress and a crown, Prince and Brian were wearing peach double breasted suits too, they visited Helen's Grave.

Happy Birthday Mommy! today you're 53 years old, people say that we look a like, i can see you in me, when i look in the mirrors. i'm wearing your favourite color, black wasn't really your favourite color, i realized how much you were suffering to choose black as your new favourite color, you abandoned peach color, but now it's back.

Mommy, we're no longer sad, i am happy, you're happy, they're happy, and we're happy. On 1st January, it was my Wedding Day, Charles is my husband now, he didn't hurt me any single day, i'm happy with my Father, he's dating Isabelle, hope you're happy for that, and hope you're celebrating your Birthday too, now your house is peach, except your room, forgive me for changing your house color.

"Helen, i miss you! now i want to bring back our old days, i wish it could be possible." they celebrated Helen's Birthday in her home, Laurance and Donna, took similar pictures to Helen and Isabelle, on Helen's 18 Birthday, On 14th January 1953, Helen and Daniel were 18 years old.

They danced to one of Helen's favourite songs in her teenage years, such as; Don't let the stars get in your eyes(Perry Como), Till i waltz again with you(Teresa Brewer), You You You(Ames Brothers), So, this is love(Ilene Woods), Can't help falling in love(Elvis Presley), I'll never fall in love again(Dionne Warwick), Wanted(Perry Como), Little things mean a lot(Kitty Kallen), Stranger in paradise(The four aces).

They invited journalists and spoke to them confidently; "when did your Mother passed away?" On 18th May 1982, and today is her Birthday, she was born 14th January 1935, my Father is Fernand Bonnet, thank you! "a Frenchman Author?" yes, an Author, but i don't like to read, reading isn't my hobby, he've been in jail for one month because there was no witness to testify against him, my Mother was rapped and i was born On 6th June 1962.

"Doesn't living with your Father makes you feel sad?" how? i am happy! I've forgiven him, it was planned by André Renaud and Georgette, I've forgiven them too, both my Mother and Father, were betrayed, and i'm the one who chose to live with my Father, "now Charles Basset is your husband, you've been dating for a long time and there was a lot of accidents which could have ruined your relationship, such as The kissing accident."

"Everyone were gossiping about Robert and Donna's marriage but today, you're with Charles, how do you feel about that?" i feel so good! "your Cousin didn't attend your Wedding Ceremony, do you think he's jealous of you?" no! why? he already have a girlfriend that he loves very much, i can't say more about that, "your Mother have a twin Brother," yes, Uncle Daniel, and today it's his Birthday too, he's 53 years old, "yes!" and he wasn't able to come, because he's living in Switzerland.

"I guess, he might be watching you, could you send him Birthday wishes?" Happy Birthday my Uncle, my Hero, i know that you miss your Sister, and we all miss her! so enjoy your day, eat your favourite food and don't cry, because Helen doesn't want to see you crying, she's happy, hope you're happy too, i love you! "thanks Donna!" Hello to our fans! we'll always be The Golden Stars, and thanks to you too!

Daniel was watching TV, and he was emotional; this reminds me of our 18th Birthday Party, she was wearing peach vintage prom dress, Isabelle was wearing peach and white vintage prom dress, 'you've know each other for a very long time,' but because she abandoned Helen, she was embarrassed, and didn't want Donna to know about their friendship, now everything is okay!

Happy Birthday Dad, "thanks my Son!" 'Happy Birthday Papa!' "thanks Patricia!" Dad, are you happy? "of course i am happy! but i'm wondering if Robert really us, i didn't receive a birthday wish from him, he didn't send any email." (Daniel, love, all we need is to give him enough time, maybe he was tired of us, he's resting, he will come back to us, it's the matter of time!)

'Happy Birthday my Papa!' oh, thanks Tammy! Dorothy was wearing white plaid puff sleeve vintage dress, Tammy was wearing red plaid puff sleeve vintage dress, and Patricia was wearing pink plaid puff sleeve vintage dress, Daniel and his Son were wearing black suits, they took pictures together, The Clark, Wang, Kim, Renaud, Bonnet, Carre and Basset Family, took pictures together too.

On 22nd April 1988, Brian and Laurance, welcomed their baby girl, and they named her ♡Ashley Clark Renaud♡

The Renaud, Basset, Wang, Toussaint, Kim, Carre, Bonnet, and Reece Family, went in Chicago to give welcome to new born baby Ashley; "Congratulations my daughter!" thanks Mommy! "i'm really proud of you and Brian," 'Congratulations Laurance!' thanks Sisters! Prince, say Hi to your Sister, "Prince, do you want to hold your Sister?" (yes!) "Prince, come on, hold your Sister."

Prince Hartley was shy; 'go ahead.' don't you like babies? "i do!" why are you shy? "i'm not shy," you're shy, "i don't know!"

'Congratulations Laurance!' thanks Mam Gisèle! Dad, are you happy? "yes i'm happy!" let's talk, Mam Gisèle, excuse us! 'it's okay!' Dad, are you sure that you're happy? "i'm happy!" are you dating Mam Gisèle? "i don't know!" come on, tell me! 'i love him, i didn't tell him, but i love him! and i need to take care of him.' "what?" 'i love you!' "let's talk about that later."

'Sorry for bothering you!' no Mam, you didn't bother us. Dad, she's willing to take care of you, it's up to you! don't let her go. Isabelle heard their conversation, and she was jealous and sad! On 13th December 1989, finally Martin and Patricia welcomed their twin babies, a boy and a girl.