My Career

"Congratulations Luna!" i'm glad you're here, and thanks! how have you been? "good, how about you?" me too.

Where's Alexa and Mom Catherine? "they're busy with their careers." that's sad! i guess i'll be busy on her Wedding Day too, i'm really working hard,.. "oh! have you achieved your goals?" yes! "so, you're a Musician too? you can work with Alexa, she's famous, you can promote each other."

She already famous so, she doesn't need promotion, Congratulations to her! "thanks." by the way, i'm not a Musician,. "then what do you do?" i'm a Journalist,. "oh! sorry!" for what? "you failed to become a Musician,." i didn't fail, it was my choice,.. "could you sing for me?" my vocal is still the same,.. "you need to improve, you lack some vocal skills."

As i told you, i'm a Journalist Dad,. "that's so sad to hear! i thought you were going to be famous." now being famous doesn't matter to me, being happy is enough to me, Dad don't worry, i love my career! "are you sure?" that was my dream too,. "okay! i'll be leaving soon,." why? it's early,.. 'Dad, how are you?' Martin didn't want to talk to Emma and Emma noticed it.

'Ah.. Luna, i'm leaving, bye!' Emma.. "no, i'm not sad." hope you mean it,. "yes! i can't lie to you." i was adopted on this date, and i still appropriate what your Father have done for me but, i still feel sorry for you and Alexander,.. "what matters is that we're happy."

Their Wedding Ceremony took place at Grand Hyatt Seoul Wedding Hall, everyone was happy for Little Prince and Luna, Donna gave Debra's gift to Little Prince as a gift too, in loving memory of his Mother, Little Prince bursted into tears.

"My Little Prince, i didn't want you to cry, i'm sorry!" Mommy, thanks for everything you have done to me, this.. this makes me hate Catherine even more, even if i have forgiven her, this still hurts me,. "i understand, but please don't hate Emma,." no, she's innocent.

"What have my Mother done to you? don't hide anything from me, she doesn't like to talk about her past,.." Emma, that doesn't matter,. "it does, to me, please tell me the truth,." tomorrow,. "promise?" promise! "Aunty Donna don't lie to me,." i'll tell you everything about your Mother's past tomorrow, i promise!

Dad,.. "Congratulations Little Prince! i'm proud of you,." they hugged; i love you Dad! "i love you too!" Emma was afraid of her Mother's past story because she wasn't expecting anything good about it, ~what have my Mother done to our Little Prince.~ she was talking to herself.

Emma don't worry! i'll never hate you, you're my Little Sister, now come here. "Congratulations my Little Prince!" thanks my Rebecca,. 'Congratulations!' thanks Loana! Rebecca, stay with Emma,. "is she alright?"

'i'm fine!' "let's have some piece of cake." on the next day, Donna told Emma about everything happened between her, Debra, Laurance, and her Mother, she bursted into tears. Alexander and Julie tried to comfort her, they were still at Yeong-su's Family's home.

On 27th September, Basset Family and Loana went back in Greece, other Families already left on 25th September. Charles and Donna were planning to move to another country as Charles, wanted to experience new life, he was no longer in Greece men's National Ice Hockey Team.

On 2nd October, Luna requested Emma and Alexander to move to Seoul and live with her, their schools location was in Seoul, so, it was an oppressively for them, but they were sad and didn't want to leave Julie alone.

Emma, Alexander, i will miss you but, i'll visit you, don't worry! Emma, stop crying,. "okay! but you're crying too." okay! let's stop crying. "okay, we'll miss you too, thanks for your friendship,.." stop it! "sorry haha!" bye! "bye!" 'bye Julie!' bye Alexander!

Sadly On 5th October, both Debra Beauty and Debra Beauty Is My Choice Campaign declined, MS Evelyn was in a loss and Charpentier Family tried to help her, but it didn't work, MS Evelyn wasn't able to help poor people and young Mothers anymore, Debra Beauty Is My Choice Campaign Orphans were moved to other different Orphanages.

It was such a shame on her due to toxic community. John, Catherine, and other different people were making fun of her; "Evelyn, don't be sad, just be strong, that's what we need right now, Debra Beauty isn't disappearing forever, maybe you need some rest, calm down!" thanks Cosette!

Rebecca spent two weeks without seeing Loana at school, she wasn't answering her calls, she was worried about her Best Friend, she even skipped her meals, which have pushed Donna to find out what happened to her Daughter's Best Friend.

Donna and Charles, found that Loana was locked in her room without eating or drinking anything by her parents, because she rejected to break up with Rebecca and find other friends, they helped her to escape and sent her in Patras City for one week.

Her Parents were not able to find where Loana was hidding and they didn't know where Rebecca was living because they were not interested in her and didn't like her, they were not able to catch Loana even if she was back in Anthen and was attending classes.

On 10th November, The Golden Stars, The Mini Golden Stars, Lisa and Loana celebrated Emma's 12th Birthday in Seoul, she was wearing White Tutu Ballet Dress; "Happy Birthday Emma!" thanks Brother! she hugged Alexander. on 12th November, Little Prince and Luna welcomed their baby boy and named him Dong-Hyeon Hartley.

On 13th November, all Families except Harris and Martin's Family, went to support Little Prince and Luna, Luna was very sad because her Dad Martin didn't come to support her, everyone congratulated them; ~Debra, Eric, finally we're Grandparents, i'll take care of our Grandchildren too, always promise is a promise, i wish you were here to see how cute they are and celebrate with us.~ Donna was talking to her soul.

Little Prince was still keeping an apology silver medal bracelet that Eric have given to Donna before he passed away; "Congratulations Little Prince! finally you're a Father,." thanks Big Prince!

On 20th December, MS Evelyn moved to South Korea, she was living with Seongho's Family as Tammy was a Psychiatrist, she tried to help her as she was dealing with depression, and on 26th June 2008, all Families, except Martin's Family and Harris Family attended Greece Anthen High School Graduation Ceremony; "Congratulations to our Rebecca and Loana!" thanks Ladies!

Congratulations Daughters! 'thanks Mommy!' Loana, you're my daughter too, "thanks Mommy Donna." on 29th June, Basset Family and Loana moved to South Korea.

On 11st September, The Golden Stars, The Mini Golden Stars, Emma, Alexander, and Kim Family attended Beijing Chen Jing Lun High School Graduation Ceremony; "Finally, you did it! Congratulations Sophie!" thanks Mommy!

"So, are you serious about moving to South Korea?" yes! "how about your Sister?" Mommy, i'll live my life and she'll live her own life too. "Sophie, are you still mad at your Sister?" no, we're no longer fighting,. "your Sister will be lonely,." no! she's stronger than me, well, i'll miss her but, i need to follow my dream and be successful like you,. "Sophie, i wish you all the Best!" thanks!

On 4th January 2009, The Mini Golden Stars attended Korea National University Of Arts. Emma appeared on different magazines covers, same as her Mother, dangerously, they found themselves into a competition.

On 10th January, Emma and Catherine appeared on Colour Télévision and Emma gained much attention than her Mother, she was excited to perform on television for the first time. at the time she was at Raimo Dessert Paris Shop with Alexander, Catherine stalked them.

Mom,.. i mean Catherine, what are you doing here? Catherine slapped Emma in her face; "how could you call me like that?" you have chosen to be Alexa's Mother, not Emma,. "so, competing with me is your choice now?" being a Ballerina was my dream. "you're a loser, you're a Ballerina because it wasn't possible to be a Musician." no! i even love my career.

'Mommy, you should be supporting your daughter,.' "you can't beat me,." Mom, i'm not competing with you, now leave me alone, Alexander, let's go! "Emma, you'll be always a loser."

On 13th January, Big Prince and Hiina welcomed their baby boy and named him Hiroto Renaud, and on 29th January, Emma and Alexander went in Switzerland to visit their Father, Emma wanted to prove that she have never wanted to compete with Alexa to her Father, she was famous than her Mother but not than Alexa.

"Emma?.. are you Emma Reece?" yes! "can we take pictures? i'm your biggest fan here, because others talks about Alexa,." thank you! they took pictures together and they were in front of Martin's home's gate.

Alexa was watching; "Emma, what are you doing here? we don't need you, you better leave." you still sounds like a little kid, do you still hate me? "more than before." you're wasting your time,. "non of your business fake Ballerina, you're still afraid of me, and that's why you chose to compete with your Mother."

You don't know me, nobody knew that being a Ballerina was my dream, and i like what i do, excuse me! "where do you think you're going?" 'Alexa stop!'

"Alexander? Emma? what are you doing here?" Dad look, now i'm a Ballerina, this was my dream. see? i never wanted to be a Musician and i don't hate Alexa, why can't you trust me? i don't know why Alexa keep on hating me,.. "are you done?" yes Dad, i can't force you to trust me,.. 'Emma, let's go!' on 2nd February 2009, Little Prince and Luna, welcomed their baby girl and named her Ye-eun Hartley.