Chapter 7: Fifth Journey Activated: Reach LV2

The next day, Max woke up at 6 am this Wednesday.

The sun streamed in through the window and Max stretched as he stared at information that pops up into his retina.


Max thought and then transferred what he's achieved so far on his own.

MercadoPago : [You added money: 6,327,291 dollars]

Waking up with a smile on his face, Max gets up and goes to the bathroom.

" Kyaah!"

"Sorry." Max closed the door, now fully awake.

In the bathroom, he saw Isabella sitting on the toilet.

Needless to say, she woke up late because she was so looking forward to everything that happened yesterday and managed to get a few hour's sleep, which made her wake up late today.

Red-faced, Isabella left.

"Can go." She did not stay and left in a hurry.

Max felt guilty, but what's done can't be undone, afterward, he'll apologize to her at least.

Brushing his teeth and washing his face, he still found it hard to believe it was him in the mirror. Although the face was similar, it was an improved version of himself, which was odd.

'By the way, I didn't even test Control Lighting .'

Returning to change clothes in his room, he took the opportunity to test. That's when sparks shot out of the tips of her index fingers and met.

Max's eyes sparkled with emotion, being able to have powers was something every boy has dreamed of having. Now, he had and I think it was amazing, but he didn't exaggerate, as he didn't know the extent of his power.

'After all, are there powers in this world?'

He started to think. If he has something as supernatural as a system, it wouldn't be weird if someone showed up with a special ability...

'Better not even think about it, it just so happens that I attracted a crazy person with skills wanting to fight me.' Max quickly put these thoughts out of his mind and left the room.

What made Max a little sad was that he was no longer given Cards.


Wearing a blue skirt and a white T-shirt with a blue tie, Isabella tied her hair into a high ponytail and used some foundation.

She was stunning.

"You look beautiful," Max said as he smiled.

"To..." Isabella was embarrassed and patted his shoulder.

Max laughed and walked her out of the apartment. Like her, he wore a blue and white uniform.

As he walked, Max picked up a book of literature and began to read. The walk to school took an average of 20 minutes, it would be good if he could increase his reading points a little more.

Isabella didn't mind seeing him read, now, she even thought it was charming to see his profile reading. 'Maybe this is love?'

Yes, she totally fell for his charm.

"Have a nice day, Isabella and Max." The doorman told them with a gentle smile.

"Thanks." Isabella and Max said in unison.


'Apparently, I don't have any other journeys in LV1.' It was the conclusion he reached.

But knowing that LV2 wasn't far away, maybe that's something logical, the first LV1 might just be a test or something?

In any case, Max decided not to think. He looked at Isabella's side profile and when she turned and their eyes met, he smiled and took her hand.

Isabella's heart sped up, but she didn't reject it. She was very nervous but happy at the same time.

They continued to walk in silence.

The school didn't forbid dating, so there was no problem if they found out, even if they lived together, it wasn't something that others could have an opinion, since they're almost adults and if anyone has to talk it's their family, not teachers and students.

"I don't believe it, but it's true!"

Suddenly, before climbing a small five-step ladder, a tall, strong man with tears streaming from his eyes seeing Max and Isabella holding hands got his eyes red and yelled, "Max, I'm going to kill you!"

He jumped out of there, fists clenched, intending to punch Max in the face.

"Max, be careful!" Isabella panicked and tried to push Max away from being affected, but she found he looked like a post rooted in the ground, and that was when she saw something impressive that made her maiden heart beat faster.

Max scooped her up in his princess-style arms, then, with one foot, he jumped up and took a flying shot at the chest of the boy who appeared.

* Bang!*

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The boy fell to the ground coughing a lot, even spat out some blood, he looked at Max in disbelief. The force of the kick was beyond what he could imagine, he could barely get up, and for the first time in his life, he felt scared of Max.

"Israel, stay out of my way and don't come near Isabella if you don't..." Max didn't finish, just let Isabella stand on the ground and took her hand, and walked back towards the school.

Israel cried like a little child, he was very fond of Isabella, but he could only rely on his strong body and physical strength to scare the other boys, but now he picks up Max and could not even react, he felt very sad.