Occupational Hazard


Maybe that's it; maybe it is not for one person to change it all for the better.

Maybe everyone has to do their part in benefit for others and hope for the fruit of their labor to become sweet, in time. Individually become the best in your own place and do the best in your own capabilities. However small it may be, it will for sure make a difference, if not that instant, surely in the long run.

Lost in her thoughts and determination to not let the conditions surrounding her falter her hold on hope and believe that no good deed goes to waste; she didn't notice she had arrived to her intended floor until she bumped into someone.

A small squeal left her mouth before her flash light landed upon a figure few inches shorter then herself. Definitely a child.

Her expressions were of course of shock, since she so unexpectedly bumped into someone, not to mention in the dark. Still the shock on her face could in no way match those wide round eyes, quivering lips and pale perspiring skin. This child looked like he had seen a ghost. The fear was more than evident in his quickened breathing and it made her feel sorry as well as worry for the well-being of this poor little boy.

"Hey, calm down, its ok little man." She crouched to his level holding one of his arms tenderly in hers.

"What are you doing here in this dark, do you live here?" she asked in a hushed tone as he had hurriedly motioned for her to keep her voice down as soon as she began talking.

The boy shook his head upon her question.

She wondered why else would this boy be here and moreover what could he be so afraid of. Did he see something that frightening? Or rather someone perhaps?

She thought of asking, realizing she couldn't help herself but ask one question after the other. Occupational hazard.

Before she could voice it out, a loud sound pierced through the eerie silence of the almost abandoned dark building, causing them both to jump up startled.

Where she jumped up to her feet upon being startled of the sound that likely was from something crashing, the boy on the other hand got more than just spooked, yanking his arm from hers he ran towards the other set of stairs that were leading to another floor.

"Hey!--" that's all she could say before the darkness engulfed his tiny stature, perfectly hiding him from humanly vision.

Taking a deep breath she walked towards the door that was slightly ajar, spilling some of the lights from inside of the apartment outside, only slightly illuminating the floor. But enough for her to be a little less uncomfortable.

She recognized the number on the door as the one she was supposed to be coming to. Also this apartment was the one the crashing sounds seemed to have come from.


Author's Note

please guys let me know what you think and also can someone pleaseee recommend me a good song?? i'm so bored and cant find a good song to listen to whilst writing and you know if icant write i cant update haha so quick quick with recommendations