Their Beautiful Moment

A chuckle passed Ford's lips hearing what Moon had to say to him.

"Okay, Ms. Xiao-" he raised both his hands as in a mock surrender as he emphasized on her last name. "Why is it that I'm sensing some hostility in the air around you?" he asked with a curious face and a smile on his face.

"Could it be that you are still holding on to that last time?" he muttered keeping his keen eyes focused on her. Like a predatory lion he watched her for even a single sign of discomfort or more importantly fear. 

Of course he now remembers her loud and clear from that time they met in his office and talked- or more like quarreled. Up until today he didn't have a name to put to her but now he knows she goes by Moon. What he still doesn't know of is if she's the same Moon he is looking for. The Moon that's been on his mind constantly in the last month.