Oh I Hate This Man

A bell rings in my apartment and I wake up with a startle. I look around for my phone and found it under my pillow, all the while the bell to my front door keep ringing with impatience to keep no gap in between the rings. 

I take a look at the time and realize it's in the middle of the night.

My gaze falls on to my half open bedroom door which strangely enough looks exactly like a certain ajar door that I equally regret and glad to have looked through.

If only I hadn't looked through that door I wouldn't be in such a trouble to a point of having to fear for my own life. But now that I have, I'm also glad I got to see the event unfold behind that door and have seen the cruel doings of a man that portrays to be such a saint in society. 

I'm glad I can be the person to unveil the dark entity's face hidden behind the mask of alight virtue of kind decency.