The True Culprit Ford Zoldyck

"Yeah, can you imagine, she literally stood me up." He was looking so surprised about it.

"You don't look like the one night stand type of guy, sir." For some reason Moon said that as if she was into this conversation, she wasn't at all. 

Perhaps it was only her curiosity that made her say that. She was sure that he was lying though, Moon was damn sure he was not there to pick up some girl simply for sex. Oh no, his pleasure was a more sadistic type, Moon thought he could only be there to let out his inner monster and find the kill of the night, that's it.

He snapped his eyes on her hearing what she said. Watching her stoically and Moon became conscious all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped my boundaries or if I offended you with that." She was nervous. 

"Don't apologize, Ms. Xiao actually your right." And just like that his apathetic face smiled and he agreed with her, even told her not to apologize.