Some More Of That Magical Drug

"No I never needed to; I keep my things very carefully protected. Anyway, is there something else I can help you with?" She wasted no time in asking in order to shift the topic of discussion.

"Oh you have no idea…" Ford's voice was deep yet husky at the same time, a mischievous little smirk on his face as he stalked inside the comparatively small room than his.

Moon discreetly gulped as she watched him slowly making his way to her. She stood her ground and neither did she move her gaze from his face that looked like slow stalking predator's, a grey eyes wolf of sorts.

They were face to face now, well, face to neck since Moon was wearing her high heels yet his face was a good few inches above her head.

He looked down leaning his head downward and tilting it slightly to his left. Moon craned her neck back to find his eyes on her as expected.

"Yes?" she asked confidently not letting a single waver of her slowly rising breath enter her voice.