Zoldyck's Minion

"That salad looks great, can I have a bite?" Victoria spoke from sitting on the cafeteria table opposite to Moon.

Moon quickly fold her arm around the disposable container of her salad protectively and made a scowl to befall on her previous pleasant expressions as she rasped out, "My Precious." as she pulled the salad more to herself and further away from Victoria. 

Vic's brows raised at the sudden strong reaction from Moon who was seemingly in a great mood since the lunch started but was now acting weird all of a sudden. The fork in her hand halted mid air at Moon's scowling face.

Just then the scowl morphed into toothy grin before Moon began laughing loudly. 

"Sorry I couldn't help the reference coming. I was kidding. Here you can have a taste." Moon whilst chuckling professed of her joke and offered the salad ahead for Victoria.