Mike The Boyfriend

"Why the hell does every guy find it so amusing to torch me up like that and enjoy the show? Like this is not even funny." Moon muttered on the phone obviously referring to Ford by her 'every guy' term. 

Which made her quickly reprimand herself for even thinking about Him when she was talking to her boyfriend after so long. 

The silence of amused chuckling from the other side also caught her attention, "What other guys are these you are talking about? Moon, babe, tell me who do I have to kill as soon as I get back?" Mike asked in a serious tone and the statement made her laugh out loud before she realized where she was and slapped a hand over her mouth. 

"Don't worry about it; I'll probably kill him before you even make it back here. What you need to worry about is how you are going to explain to me where the hell were you all along? Why didn't you call even once?" Moon was now seriously asking.