I Am Taking Back My Belly.

He looked confused all of a sudden, "What the hell are you going on about, Xiao?" 

"The reason why I did it, what else?! I did it to get even." She stated as a matter of factly. 

"After what you did to me today. You did it deliberately. You wanted to punish me for not being able to do what you asked exactly the way you asked; even when you know it was impossible. You knew that, yet, you made me walk around that god forsaken construction site in my 6 inch high heels and almost broke my ankle!" 

Moon exclaimed loudly acting all angry about it, although she was and that is the main reason why she was here, but right now she was exaggerating thing a bit as the situation called for it.

"By doing that you took things on a personal level. So it is only natural that I wanted to ruin your night to get back at you as well, just like you ruined my day." she shrugged and settled back in her seat.