That Is How It’s Done

Moon was beyond infuriated by now as she glared at him but all Ford did was raised his brow in question at her scowl. She knew she hardly had any other choice but to do as he says. 

She dugs her heels and stomped her way down the steps and walked clicking her heels a little more than usual. 

"Xiao," he called when she was by the door. Moon turned only her face to him without saying anything, her glare was still on a full swing as she watched him raise his hand up and grabbed the latte from his desk from behind him whilst keeping his eyes at her.

The cup was sealed with the lip on when he threw it in the direction of the same bin she failed throwing the injector.

The one difference was he didn't take his eyes off her to look at the bin not even once when he threw the full cup towards the dustbin and the other difference was that the cup actually fell right into the bin perfectly without spilling a single drop from it.