Chapter 2

My heart raced as something in his voice stopped me in my tracks. It was the sound of disappointment that Masters usually had with their subs when they were in trouble. If I didn’t know any better, I would think he was upset because I was leaving.

“Oh, I thought we were finished,” I said, happy that my voice did not shake.

Trev stepped closer until he was towering over me making me feel small. That was a hard feat when I was 5’ 9” and definitely not model thin. But he accomplished that easily with his broad muscular shoulders and a thick waist that just begged a woman to wrap her legs around it.

God, knock it off, idiot! I scolded myself. Trev is not interested in you he is probably just wondering what needed to be done now with his finances.

“You’re good to continue job hunting this week,” I said more confidently.

He turned around and ran a hand through his hair, obviously frustrated.

“I'm not having any luck with that, Vie. There's just no work for an ex-sniper that has been searching for his sister for the last ten years. I’ve always sucked at computers and don’t have the patience to learn.”

I put my hand on his shoulder sympathetically. “Trev, it'll take time, but you'll get there. Don't be so hard on yourself.”

Trev looked at my hand on his shoulder then followed its arm back up to my eyes. Suddenly I knew it was not job-hunting on his mind and I snatched my hand away as if it was burned. I felt my face flush and my gaze dropped to the floor. I hastily took a few steps back, trying to put some space between us. Trying even harder to ignore the ingrained need to submit to him.

Every fiber of my being knew that Trev was a Dom and, with a little training, he could be a Master. I wasn’t sure how they went about training for that. Did they have online classes? I wondered silently.

I cleared my throat to break the tension since he had not said anything, nor had he taken his eyes off me. I felt like a scared rabbit that was hiding in its hole being stalked by a hungry wolf.

“Well, I should go,” I finally said, stepping away slowly. “I've gotta get ready to go to work.”

I thought for sure he would back off and let me leave, but he surprised me by pursuing me. My back hit the wall that was covered in cheesy flowery wallpaper that was peeling and barely recognizable. Normally, I would have been overly concerned about the stains that were being rubbed onto my white shirt. But with this sexy and very intense man giving me his full attention, I could not bring myself to care about anything else.

Trev braced his hands on either side of my head and dipped his down until he was just a breath away. I was immediately surrounded by his hard, unyielding body, and I became intoxicated once more by the scent of him. He surrounded me in his clean, masculine scent, and I could feel myself drowning in it.

“I thought you said you'd let me cuff you to my bed,” he whispered.

I almost choked. “I-I-”

“You what?” he asked.

“I didn't think you... I didn't know you meant you specifically,” I stuttered out.

He gave me a sexy chuckle that I had never heard from him. Its deep baritone sound made my stomach clench as it seemed to embody every naughty thought that was going through my head at that moment.

“I do believe the question I posed to you was if I cuffed you to my bed. I think that it was very clear that I meant me.”

I suddenly felt as if there would never be enough air in the world to make me start breathing again. Surely, he couldn't be serious? I thought to myself, although I wasn't sure if it was a hopeful or a fearful thought. Maybe it was both? Either way, it made the nerve endings tingle in awareness.

I open my mouth but whatever I was going to say was stolen away by his lips. I had not even seen him move, but suddenly his lips were on mine. Not just on them, he seemed to be devouring them. Stunned, I couldn’t move. Never in a million years would I have imagined Trev kissing me.

But I had dreamt of it. Oh, yes, his firm yet seductively soft lips had been a frequent visitor in my forbidden fantasies as of late. Now, they were real. A crazy dream come to life, and I wasn’t quite sure what to do. My mind froze mid-thought and seemed to suddenly become a broken record stuck on duh.

My body didn’t freeze, instead it burned. Not in a slow heat like I would have expected. A giant fire burst forth from deep inside and threatened to burn me through. I liked it, heaven helped me, I liked it. It was a sweet, delicious burn that I never wanted to end. I melted against him, and my hands curled into tight fists to keep from reaching out and pulling him tighter to me. His dominance was such an essential part of his being that I was not sure if he realized he was doing it, but the sub in me did and I bent immediately for him.

A whimper escaped me as his hands went from the wall to my arms and pulled me closer. Every curve melted to conform to the hard contours of his body. My head was filled with a sort of weird buzzing noise as if a thousand bees were scrambling around. An odd side-effect to such a glorious kiss, but I accepted it not really caring since this drop-dead sexy man had his lips on mine.

That was until the buzzing noise grew to a weird roar and he jumped away from me just in time for my phone to blare off with the first few bars of a very dirty rock ballad.

“Really?” he rasped out.

I checked the read-out and saw that it was my best friend Bethany calling. She really did have impeccable timing.

“Shit,” I whispered, then cleared my throat and answered the phone. “Hey, I’m heading out. I’ll be right there.”

“Good, because I was really getting worried. You’re never late,” she said, the concern evident in her voice.

“I know. But I promise I’ll be right there,” I reassured her, then hung up.

I didn’t dare look at Trev. If he were horrified, embarrassed, or disgusted by me I knew it would be the last time I saw him. There was a weird, awkward moment of silence between us. I could not decide if I should talk to him about the kiss, apologize, or thank him.

“I gotta go,” I said deciding to nix all of the above and settle for just getting the hell outta dodge.

I walked off quickly, praying that he wouldn’t stop me again. Yet when I got out to my car, I felt a twinge of anger and disappointment when he did not come chasing after me.

“Don’t be stupid, Vie,” I berated myself.

I took a moment to fix my dark brown hair, which had come loose from the bun that I’d had it in at the base of my neck. My matching brown eyes still held a glaze of desire that I tried hard to clear. I noticed that my lips were swollen from the power of his kiss and I couldn’t help but touch them remembering the amazing feel of it.

“Well, keep that memory close, missy. Because it’s never going to happen again,” I murmured as I finally pulled out of my parking spot.