Chapter 26

He was leaning against the far wall with his arms and legs crossed, just watching me with a dark look in his eyes. I scrambled off the floor hoping that my trembling legs would hold me up. I began to straighten my hair and clothes, trying to look as if I hadn’t just been pole dancing… even if it was a stupid idea.

“Hi, ummm…” I began to try and explain what was going on, but I was not sure where to start or which I was more embarrassed about.

He shoved away from the wall and stalked towards me. His face was a myriad of emotions. Anger, fear, and desire seemed to be fighting for dominance of his expression. There was an air of dark danger surrounding him that sent shivers down my spine, and I knew… oh I knew I was in BIG TROUBLE.

“I-I-I,” I tried again but didn’t get any further before he was on top of me.

Grabbing my arms swiftly, he pinned them to the pole above my head before I could move.

“Do not talk. Do not move,” Trev demanded in a growl.