“Stay here,” Trev commanded.
“No, buts. Just stay here where I know you’ll be safe.”
I shut my mouth and swallowed my arguments. Trev had the same demeanor as a giant unmovable rock, and it was obvious that he was not going to relent on this. With a giant sigh, I nodded and stepped back out in the hallway as the two men cautiously began to look around. I paced and paced until the final chorus of ‘clear’ popped out of their mouths.
“They were here looking for Bethany. Which is a good thing because it means they don’t know where she’s at either,” Kevin spoke after a moment.
“Either? Don’t you know where she is? She left with you,” I responded almost accusingly.
An indecipherable look passed between the men then Trev came over to me and grasped my hands.
“Honey,” he started out softly. “Bethany’s not with them anymore.”
The air left my body, and I felt my knees threaten to give out on me. “What?” I gasped.