Chapter 42

He shook his head and his mouth twisted as if there was a terrible taste in his mouth. I nodded as I thought about how to help him with all of this. Suddenly an idea formed, and I wasn’t sure why I didn’t think of this beforehand.

“I may have an idea to help you with a few of these questions. If you would be willing to help me,” I said softly.

A suspicious look came over his face. “How?”

I went over to the door that both Alyssa and Kevin had gone in and knocked on it.

“Come in!” Kevin shouted through the door.

I opened the door to the dungeon that they had spoken about. Taking the stairs slowly and hesitantly, wondering what I would find once I hit the bottom step. The sounds of footsteps trailing behind me let me know that Trev had decided to follow. I grimace as I thought about how he would react to what we would find down there.