Chapter 79: Epilogue Part 3

Mia turned around and looked at the back of her dress.

“Oh my god! You girls are lifesavers!” she cried.

“Let’s go get you hitched before that baby is born out of wedlock, and you shock everyone with your evil ways!” Lizzie exclaimed.

Mia’s face paled, and she stopped mid-step. Lizzie grabbed her shoulders to steady her when she looked about ready to fall over.

“Mia, I was just kidding. No one out there cares and three fourth of them already know about your evil ways,” she said chuckling.

“No, the baby,” Mia gasped out.

“Mia, no one cares. They are just happy to see you getting married,” Lizzie tried to soothe her.

“No, it’s not that,” Mia breathed out.

“Then what is it?” Lizzie asked, exasperated.

We all were standing around feeling stupid, wondering what was going on.

“The baby!” Mia cried out.

“Oh my god, Mia-”

“It’s coming!” Mia screamed at her then grabbed her stomach as one hellacious contraction hit her.