Chapter 25: Interested

Joss and I didn’t talk about the mission on the way home. We’d driven in to Harper Creek together, but somehow, neither of us wanted to bring it up as we drove back.

“Are you relieved Tasmyn’s okay?” Joss glanced at me sideways as she unlocked the door and let us into the townhouse. “Cathryn told me that she’s not working for Carruthers anymore, either.”

I thought for a minute. “I’m glad she wasn’t hurt, yeah. Maybe if I had known about this job she was doing, I would’ve been worried about it. But then again...” I shrugged. “Maybe not. Don’t laugh, but I might be a little more sane lately.”

Joss smirked, but she held back the full laughter. “Are you healing, Rafe?” She did a dead-on imitation of Zoe, complete with wide, knowing eyes, and I swatted at her shoulder.

“I know it sounds all touchy-feely. Let’s just say I’m getting over her, how about that?”

“If you’re happy, I’m happy. I honestly thought you were going to freak out when Cathryn was reading the report.”