Chapter 31: Not exactly paradise

“Rafe? What are you doing here?” Cara strode over to where we stood with Nathan, irritation clear on her face.

“I could ask you the same thing.”

Nathan looked from one of us to the other, frowning. “You know each other? Cara, you’ve met Rafe before?”

She nodded. “We went to school together in Florida. For a little while, anyway. And then I ran into him and his girlfriend in Savannah earlier this week. When I went in to meet--” She glanced up at Nathan. “For that meeting.”

“This is a quite a coincidence.” Nathan’s tone was suspicious.

“Yeah, I’ll say.” I turned to face Cara. “You never told us you were living on a commune. What are you doing here?”

Cara’s lip curled. “I told you I lived outside town. Well, I do. Here it is. This is where I live. I know it’s a step down from the home of the privileged Brooks family, but it works for me.”

“Hey, hey.” I held up my hands. “Don’t get defensive. I like it here. I’m just surprised you didn’t say anything to us when we saw you.”