Chapter 37: Mallory Jones

It didn’t snow, but in the wake of the bitter cold, the camp was quiet all weekend. I had asked a few people what everyone did during the day, when they weren’t preparing meals or cleaning up from them. Most of them shrugged.

“During the spring and summer and fall, it’s different. We’re planting food, and weeding and watering, and then harvesting. Everybody’s busy. Winter is tough. Most people stick to their tents, reading or doing some kind of craft. Lots of the women knit or sew. That’s why we all like mealtimes. It’s when we get to hang out together.” Billy glanced around the circle, fondness evident in his eyes.

“You know when I was growing up, I always wanted family dinners like they have on TV shows. My parents were gone all the time, and I was an only child. It was always babysitters and housekeepers. So this is like a dream come true for me. I have a family now. A big group of people who care about me.”