Chapter 40: Reclaiming life

Despite Dr. Simpson's assurances that I was going to bounce back faster than most patients, I was still exhausted. I slept again after she left, and when I opened my eyes, I thought I might be dreaming.

The woman who sat in the chair at my bedside was small, with hair that had a base color not too different from my own jet-black curls. But there wasn’t much of that color visible: it was covered by just about every other shade I could imagine. Pinks mingled in with greens and blues, and yet somehow it all worked. Her hazel eyes met mine, twinkling.

“I cannot tell you what a pleasure it is to speak with you at last, Nell.” She grinned. “We’ve had some lovely conversations over the past months, but they’ve been somewhat one-sided.”

I stretched my arms, happy to feel the strength in them again. “You must be Dr. Hamilton. I’ve heard about you.”

“All wonderful things, I hope.” She offered me her hand. “Would you like to sit up a little more? Have a sip of water?”