Chapter 49: Getaway

After that kind of announcement, pretty much anything else I could say was going to be anti-climatic.

I knelt in the dirt by Rafe’s head. His eyes were closed, but breath was definitely moving between his slightly parted lips. I wasn’t sure where to touch him. Finally, I took hold of his shoulder and shook.

“Hey. Rafe. Come on, we have to get out of here.” I glanced up at the cabin, unease filling me. Mallory Jones was supposed to be coming in from somewhere else, which meant she could show up any minute. I wanted to be as far away from this place as possible when that happened.

One eyelid drifted open, and he squinted at me, his gaze unfocused. “Who ...”

“Nell. I’m from—you might—damn. There’s no time for this. We have to leave. Can you get up? I’m not sure I can move you by myself.”

“I—” He moved his right arm, making as though to use his hand to push himself up. But as he did, his face contorted in pain, and he dropped again.