A Big Wedding


Making out can only last so long before something has to give - and as usual, it was James. He scooted up a bit on the couch, so my head rested on his chest and his rested on the arm of the battered old sofa.

“Do you really love me like that, Mir?”

I glanced up at him, then over to the painting which we could see perfectly from that angle. “How can you doubt it?” I barely framed the words - a part of me hurt that he couldn’t tell that it wasn’t obvious in every single brush stroke.

With his finger he tipped my chin up so we could see each other. “I guess I mean - do you really know I love you that much?”

While I searched his eyes, a shadow passed between us, curling cold fingers of fear around my throat. I lurched and lost my balance on James’ chest, but between one second and the next the - whatever-it-was; fear, doubt, whatever - was gone, and James was still watching me, waiting for an answer.