My Only Option


I stand on the Bridge between Heimdall’s wheelhouse and Asgard. I know the place - and not just because I stood in pretty much this very spot when Desi married Michael. No, this time it’s familiar because I Remember it. I Remember crossing this Bridge the day I began my quest on Midgard. The day I said goodbye to Odin and Samuel, my brother and best friend. Samuel? I didn’t know anyone named Samuel in my Earth life. But there isn’t time to think about it, because I’m reliving that day, and Miri steps around Samuel and stands facing me.

My breath catches in my throat and tears spring to my eyes. What am I thinking? How can I leave her?

“Michael says we will find each other,” she says. Her bright eyes sparkle as brilliantly as the Bridge, and I think I will be walking in darkness every day of a life that does not have her light in it.

“We’d better,” is all I can say.