Chapter 18: A double shock

She smiled and watched him walk inside. As she sat there under the awning with the sun sheeting the harbour with eye-watering intensity, background noises rose in level, the still hot air acting as an exaggerated conductor. Crockery and cutlery clattered, conversations drifted audibly, children shrilled, someone laughed loudly inside. Noises from the berthed launches were as sharp as if taking place in her eardrum. She looked over at them and let her gaze wander, staring without really seeing one of the berthed cruisers with its subdued hubbub of below deck voices and gentle knocking against the wharf. Stared past the man with the camera propped beside a bollard to which the craft was tied. A seagull wheeled and flung itself past him.

She frowned. His camera seemed to be trained on her. As she looked the man waved, at her she was sure. He stood, lowering the camera. She removed her sunglasses. It was then that Noel received her shock.
