Chapter 52: I'll leave you to your dreams

As he left Noel moved out on to the verandah. The stars were bright as she trod the path to her room, wishing the wine undrunk and taking care with her feet. She had barely closed the door when there was a knock. She opened it to see Walter, bottle in hand.

'You didn't try my Tokay. I can't let you go back to Sydney without tasting it.'

'Walter, I'm past being able to taste anything. May I take it with me? I promise to try it when my taste buds come off strike.'

He stepped inside. 'Sorry, it's now or never.'

'I'd prefer not to.'

'It's only a small bottle and you'll love it,' he said emerging from the bathroom with two glasses. He half filled them, backed Noel onto the bed and propped her there with one glass, and sat on the bench with the other. 'To Hendrikson Winery,' he toasted and put the glass to his lips.

'Hendrikson Winery,' Noel echoed and sipped. 'Very nice.'

'How could you tell? Have a mouthful.'

She finished the glass. She was going to be very sorry come morning.