Chapter 60: Nick came for her that night

Noel couldn't ask a thing with Catherine Patton present. She should go. 'Marion, would you not mention this to Nick?'

Marion hesitated in passing the glass and subjected her to another cool look.

'I'm not in his good books at the moment.'

'Why?' Real curiosity lay behind the question.

'I ... he ...'

'The sleaze,' said Catherine Patton. 'Am I right?' Both Marion and Noel looked at her.

'If you feel like that,' Marion said to her older visitor, 'why are you considering his offer?'

'Business is business.' Catherine Patton wanted to get off the subject of Nick Donaldson. 'Marion, this American you were telling me about, why don't you give him a call? I can't say that I would want to sell to him either, but I'd like to hear what he's got to say.'

'I've tried. He went back to the States at the beginning of the week but he said he'd only be gone for a couple of days. I rang the Hilton but they say he hasn't returned yet.'

Noel's heart hit her ribs. 'What's his name?'