Sofia's POV:
I was here finally with my mate, but I am so anxious and scared that he may eventually reject me. I walked into the bathroom that was in my bedroom that I get to call my own.
In the mirror, I noticed dark circles under my eyes and it looks like I have not slept in weeks. These nightmares are getting worse day by day. Now that I know how I ended outside the other night makes a lot of sense, but deep down I know something bad is coming. I just don't know when or how, but it's coming. The storm is calm for now.
I made my way back to the bed and laid down where I drifted off into a restless sleep. My body stirred as the dream began.
It started like all the other nightmares. I was running in the woods scared and frighten uneasy about these woods. Then he appeared again. His wicked smile from afar. Eva and I came to a dead halt in the middle of the wooded area.
"Where are you going, mate?" I headed from say.
"Home," Eva stated as she stood tall in her wolf form.
"No, you aren't. You belong to me Sofia." He hissed between clenched teeth.
"No, the fuck I don't!" I screamed and turned around before I woke up to Luke shaking me to wake up.
"Sofia! Wake up please." Luke spoke softly.
I groaned softly, "I'm awake. What are you doing?" I asked.
"You were screaming in your sleep. I thought something happened to you." He said and dropped his hands down to his side.
"I'm fine just nightmares," I spoke a little harshly.
"No babe you aren't fine. I can see it in your eyes. You haven't slept in weeks." He looked at me and caressed the side of my face.
"I am okay. Can I go back to sleep now?" I asked.
"Yes you may, but I am staying in here till you fall back to sleep." He smiled softly.
"Fine," I spoke and patted the spot next to me as he stood up and came to lay down next to me.
I felt his arms wrap around my waistline as he came closer to me and nuzzled his head into my back I was able to fall into a peaceful slumber where the demons stayed at bay.
The next morning I woke up and Luke wasn't next to me. I struggled to wake up noticing that I am not at home. I walked into my bathroom to go shower and get ready for the day.
I got out of the shower and returned to the bedroom to unpack my suitcases that had my clothes in them.
As I got dressed I heard a knock on my door. "Just a moment, I am getting dressed," I hollered.
"Take your time beautiful," Luke said.
I couldn't help but smile, "thanks!" I hurried and got dressed by just throwing on shorts and a red tank top and ran towards the door.
"Good morning," Luke smiled at me.
"Good morning," I smiled back at him.
"Did you sleep well?" He asked softly.
I chuckled softly, "Of course I did!"
He smiled at me, "Why don't you follow me, so we can have breakfast and I can show you the lands."
I smiled and followed him out of the bedroom and down the hallway to the main dinning room.
We made our way to the kitchen where I saw red headed gal who stood about 5'6 and brown eyes cooking up the breakfast.
"Good morning mama," Luke smiled and kissed her cheek.
"Good morning, sweetie," She responded back.
"Mama, this is Sofia; I wanted you to meet her before the rest of the pack gets here for breakfast," He smiled softly.
"Hello, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, babe," She smiled and pulled me into a tight hug.
"It's lovely to meet you as well!" I smiled and hugged her back.
"The rest of the pack will be here shortly and if you are not comfortable with meeting them. Let me know and I shall take you back to your room." Luke smiled and led the way to the dinning hall.
Luke was a natural leader he was born for the role of Alpha. I couldn't help but smile, because I found him as I thought my world was falling apart. He was the light in the night. The sunshine through the thunder storms. This is where I belonged.