
"Who's he?" Jimin asked as he eyed the man holding Yoongi's hands. He was on his way out from the coffee shop when he stumbled into Yoongi who was about to enter with someone.

The older let out an awkward laugh before scratching his neck and answering Jimin, "M-My friend. You see Jiminie, we're going on a date."

"A d-date?" Jimin asked, the hurt in his voice is clearly evident that made the other people inside the cafe flinch in pity. "What about me hyung?"

"What is he saying, Yoongi?" The man asked as he turned his attention from Jimin to Yoongi, the latter was somewhat confused though. He doesn't know who he should talk to first.

He held his date's shoulders and told him to wait inside because he's just going to discuss something to Jimin, the man agreed with a grunt.

"Yoongi hyung, are you mad?" Jimin asked as he let himself be drag by Yoongi outside the coffee shop.

The young boy was about to ask him once more but Yoongi suddenly shouted, "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND JIMIN?! WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU SAY THAT IN FRONT OF MY DATE?!"

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know." Jimin whispered as he played with the helm of his sweater. He's scared. "You told me you would help me with my disease so I assum--"

"--assumed that I was going to love you. Assumed that just because I offered you my help, I'm going to love you back." Yoongi sighed as he continued Jimin's own sentence. "Jimin, the world isn't like that. You can't just force someone to love you just because you love them. Life is unfair that way Jiminie, you can't have it all."

"B-But Yoongi! I really do love you!"

"I know--"

"Give me a month. A month to prove you how much I love you and that I am worthy to be your bloodmate."

The older brushed his slender hands through his hair, "That's too much time Jimin."

Yoongi's words stung Jimin. Too much time for Yoongi, yes. But for him it's not enough. Time is never enough for Jimin.

"Two weeks." Yoongi said as he started walking back to the shop, "I'm going to give you two weeks."

And Jimin was more than happy to obey.