
"Yoongi!" Miyoung greeted, a huge smile plastered on her lips as she approached her regular customer.

They happened to become friends and Yoongi's fine with it.

"You never guessed what happened!"

"You got promoted?" Yoongi asked as he slid down on his favorite chair, somewhat missing the feeling of someone's presence in front of him.

"No, silly! Jimin visited here this morning."

Yoongi's mind freezes.

The sound of the coffee machine, the laughter of the lady customer, the stupid love song playing on the speakers were all muffled by the sound of his own heartbeat.

"What?" That was the only thing Yoongi could say.

He couldn't process the simple words that escaped Miyoung's mouth.

Jimin visited the cafe.

He was here a few hours ago.

His Jimin was here.

"Yes! He asked about you and told me to tell you if you already read the letter." Miyoung explained as she drags another chair to be able to sit. She knows Yoongi doesn't want other people to sit on Jimin's favorite spot. "You read the letter right?"

Yoongi feels his heart thumping louder and faster as each second passes by.

The letter.

He never read it.

He was scared to find out something he isn't ready to know so he never opened it. But he always brings it wherever he goes. Afraid that the last memory of Jimin would vanish from his hold.


Why would he think of Jimin as a memory?

Yoongi wouldn't allow it.

He will never allow himself or anybody to treat Jimin as a memory.

So he fished the letter inside his jacket and opened it faster than lightning.

When he finished reading it, he found himself running.

Running towards the place where it all began.