BONUS CHAPTER - Jimin's Letter

Yoongi hyung.

Min Yoongi.


I never imagined myself meeting you.

Never imagined I'd be this happy.

Every time the first snow falls on the ground every year, I felt scared because I know my end is nearing.

I was afraid to meet you, you know. scared that once I see you, I'll be meeting my death. But when my eyes landed on you on that day, I was beyond happy. I don't know what got into me but I was overwhelmed with the feeling of love. I once thought that once you love something, it was supposed and obliged to love you back. Just give it a little attention and care and your feelings would be returned. But you taught me that love isn't like that. That love should be sincere. That loving someone is not always being loved back. I tried to pursue you in many ways but you're too stubborn and too hard to reach. Too hard to chase. I always tell myself before going to bed to stop chasing you, to stop forcing my love, yet I find myself coming to you the next day, saying the words that naturally comes out from my mouth every time I see you.

I know I said this many times already, but I love you Min Yoongi.

Now that I understand what love is, I don't wish for you to love me back because for me, loving you is enough. You're a great man. The person you'll love someday would be the luckiest person on Earth because a guy like you treasures them.

You asked for my disease before, right? I don't have the heart to tell you that time because I was afraid you'd only help me out of pity. But now I understand your true purpose in my life. Your purpose is to not let me live but to let me live the life I've always wanted to have. You see, my disease is called The Countdown, it is where a clock starts counting down the days I have to live. Once it reaches zero, I'll die. Let's just say I'm like a terminally ill patient. And by drinking your blood, I can be cured. But today, dying does not bother me anymore.

I've always wanted to know how it feels like to have no numbers tattooed on your chest, decreasing everyday and reminding you that your death is nearing. I've always wanted to travel the world without worrying of the days I have left. But when I met you, all that matters to me is spending time with you. I don't care if my life is going to end anytime soon, as long as I get to see you, it's more than enough for me.

Thank you for staying with me, hyung. Thank you for tolerating my annoying attitude. Thank you for trying to help me even if you don't understand the situation. Thank you for teaching me how to love.

You are beautiful, Yoongi. You may seem cold outside but I know you're one of the kindest person that ever grazed the Earth and I am thankful for living in the same timeline as you. You are talented, don't let those negative thoughts eat you. If I have enough time to show you how much I love you, I'd be willing to show it to you everyday. But now, I just want to write it down because time and me have always been enemies. And this time, I guess he's winning.

This is how I'm going to love you, Min Yoongi. So you better listen.

I'm going to love you with all my heart. I will tell you how beautiful and kind you are despite your cocky attitude. How your gummy smile always blinds me. How your piercing gaze sends shivers all throughout my body. How your deep gruff voice always makes my heart thump like crazy. I will tell you to work hard, but not too hard because I care for you and your health. I will tell you to do your best because I believe in you. I will tell you to listen to other people's side of the story because it's not always good to listen to only yours. I will tell you that doing good is not expecting something in return. I will also remind you to yield when it is necessary. And as much as I want to keep praising you love, I won't allow you to think that you're always right even though you're wrong, simply because I want the best for you. You know Yoongi, love isn't always glorifying that person for being perfect. I don't need you to be perfect because I love you just the way you are. I will love all of your imperfections, all your flaws, all the things you hate about yourself, until you learn to love them too. That's how I'm going to love you, Yoongi. You don't have to be someone great, because you are more than enough, just like what you are now. I love you.

I love you just like how a moth is drawn to a flame. Like a butterfly enchanted with your flower's beauty. Like a meteor magnetized with your gravity. I love you as long as the moon pulls the tide. As long as the Earth rotates on its axis. As long as the stars twinkle in the sky. I love you Min Yoongi. I will wait for you. Maybe it's not the right timeline for the both of us, but I love you and I know we are meant to be together. You are my home. This is just borrowed time for me and you've got your life to live, so live it well. Do what you want to do. Spend it with the people you love.

I love you Min Yoongi, but my time has come to an end. The clock is winning. The countdown is decreasing.


Park Jimin