Ch. 7

Johannes's jaw dropped, "I beg your pardon?"

"It's exactly what I said, what could be a better way to gain more experience points and leveling up more effectively?" I smiled. "Of course by hunting monsters in an open area like this."

"I prefer hunting them rather than waiting for scenarios to pop up. This would increase your stats much faster and more efficiently." I turned back and looked at them, "don't waste the opportunity and coop yourself at the base while awaiting orders."

"That's true.." Everyone agreed as Namjoon reasoned. "But players don't even dare to step out the safe zone since high-leveled monsters could appear any second of the time."

"Then the day when I met Taehyung, were those people that tried to extort from him just lunatics?" I raised an eyebrow, "if they knew about the dangers, they still dragged their asses out and steal from him in blind sight?"

"I think you're talking about 'red players'." Yoongi said as he stepped forward. "They are no where near being humane."

"Elaborate please." 

Yoongi then continued, "'red players' are labelled as murderers or simply, the most murderous criminals were released when destruction was befallen to Earth."

Hoseok then continued. "Their cells were destroyed and eventually led to their escape, being players."

"So you're saying criminals are able to awaken as players." I gaze by the horizon, "In short, those people don't care about the lives of other players including themselves."

They all nodded and Taehyung spoke as he smiled at me warmly, "I was thanking the heavens that they've let me meet you in such a dire situation."

I couldn't come up with anything to say and my gaze slightly wavered. 

"W-Well then I guess it was simply just a coincidence." Everyone chuckled at my behavior.

I sighed as it followed with a chuckle. "Alright then, don't tease me too much."

Then, the atmosphere darkened as it suddenly became serious, I spoke. "If I'm not mistaken, there must be... cannibalistic players too, right?"

They shivered at the sudden question but eventually, they nodded as their eyes shook ever so slightly.

I clenched my jaw as it grinded against each other, I mumbled to myself. "Those kind of bastards are everywhere. No matter which existing dimension there are."

My gaze settled, "no worries, that's what we're here for. Train yourselves in order to protect those you cherish. Level up and get stronger, if possible, using the two days that we're given before the competition."

"The thought itself is already impossible, we can't get much just within days, even if we were to hunt monsters." Johannes sighed.

"Though for you, Johannes, you're already in the top 10 rankings so you must be quite powerful." I smiled, "it wouldn't be much of a problem if you were to go hunting alone."

"I don't really go out and hunt, I'll be more vulnerable to the risks outside since I do not have a constellation backing me."

"Even if you don't have  sponsor, you managed to be in the top 10." I chuckled, "And that's quite a knowledgeable feat."

"That's not something to be praised for.." He shyly spoke.

"But you still went for small monster hunts, which was believed as 'too dangerous' for other players."


"Do you know the phrase, 'one must take risks in order to increase their potential'?" I chuckled, "you did exactly that."

"Although we all value our one and only life, we should also not let the opportunity to slide pass." I looked at them and smiled. "Life is like a gamble. We wouldn't know when or where we'll die, so I'd rather use it to do anything in order to become stronger."

"But we're here to focus on leveling you guys up before the competition, so that you guys can at least put up a fight." 

As motivation had struck them, they got their weapons ready in hand.

"That's the spirit. Now, I want the melee-weapon fighters to take charge." I smiled as I continued, "I created a safety precaution dome, 50 meters around us. Only low-leveled monsters are able to enter the area, so go crazy."

"Ah, and before that, could you all check your status windows?" I curved up a smile.

They hurriedly checked their own respective status windows and widen their eyes.

"Hmm? Is something wrong?" I tilted my head, confused at their reaction.

"N-No that's not the problem.." Jin said. "Some of my stats went up by one.."

"Hyung too??" Jungkook said as his eyes were filled with excitement.

"Y-Yeah mine too," Johannes pointed out as the rest agreed.

"That's mainly because of the shadow wolf meat in the stew. It can either increase some specific stats permanently or temporarily, but it depends on the type of monster and their class."

"The meat of a shadow wolf would increase your agility and strength stats by 1, permanently." They all looked astounded, stunned in their position.

I chuckled, "I wouldn't just randomly choose monster meat to feed you guys."

They all looked at me with doe-like puppy eyes as if they were touched by my words.

"How did Y/n know it would increase stats?" Hoseok asked as curiosity engulfed him.

"Well.. around a century ago, I had to struggle to survive. Eating was a luxury back then, so I had to ravage and hunt and eventually found out it would increase my strength and other properties. Of course, this system was non-existential back where I once lived."

"Noona, we don't really get a word you're saying," He chuckled. "It seems as though noona lived in a totally different environment."

"Yeah, you seem as though you actually lived for more than a century." Yoongi said as Namjoon continued, "that's exactly what I've said too."

"Y/n are you around 100 years old?" Namjoon asked as he teased me.

Johannes then spoke, "but it does kind of make sense."

"Maybe Y/n actually came from another dimension," Johannes chuckled. "Maybe, just maybe."

Taehyung then continued, "actually, that's not entirely impossible since the seven of us had front row seats while watching her live in action."

"Although I would like to agree to all of your statements, and I'll tell you all when the time is right." I chuckled. "Now on to your training, don't stray too far and form small groups. If you're in danger, just say my name and I'll be on my way."

"Oh come on, tell us noona!" Jungkook pouted as he openly sulked.

"Fine fine, but after all of you finished your training.

The ones who used melee weapons nodded and head off hunting.

"Mages and rangers, come here." I signaled them and they immediately came with their weapon in hand.

"Jimin, Jin and Hoseok, only the three of you? Then I'll start to brief on the quota for the increase in mana." I smiled.

"For you, Jimin, I suppose you're a mage specializing in flame or fire-type spells." He nodded as I continued. "It's quite a common class but at the same time, difficult in managing mana fluctuations since it's a destructive type."

"But what I'm sensing from you, it's the exact opposite. The mana flow is incredibly stable and there's a plausible power flow in your veins." I looked at him, "so I don't see the reason not to learn more basic spells.. you don't have to just stick to your current class."

"What do you mean?" He said, slightly confused as he gaze met mine.

"Instead of being limited to fire-type spells and skills, you'll learn other spells like a normal full-blown mage." I warmly smiled as I went and placed my hand on his chest. "Now, relax. This is a little gift I prepared for you, each of you will get a different one."

My hand glowed amber as mana from the surroundings were forcefully shoved into his chest and settled there.

"Endure it, the pain will subside if you fully accept the mana I'm injecting you with." The glow from my hands gradually dissipated and ended with him panting, gasping for air.

"You did well. Now with this, you're able to learn more various of magic as I've expanded your range of spells." I smiled as I continued, "and to put it simply, I've also cleansed your mana pathways from the corrosion of the environment that might've impacted on it."

"You're a first circle mage as of now, in terms of this new way to increase your mana pool and advance to the second circle, leveling up is required."

"T-Thank you so much, I'll cherish it.. and I promise I'll work hard!"

I then chuckled, "now go join the others, I'm sure they're waiting for backup. Use your flame type skills first, I'll teach you the basics when we're done for the day. And make sure to kill loads of them."

Jimin nodded and ran towards the direction where Namjoon's team was at.

"You sound more like a parent than me." Jin chuckled.

"Oh do I now?" I laughed and continued, "for you, Jin, hmm.. a summoner?"

"I'm not a tad bit surprised on how you knew, but yeah, I'm a summoner. But I can't compare to you though, someone who summoned hundreds of soldiers on a whim." Jin chuckled, "I would already be exhausted from summoning one or two low-tier spirits and end up fainting if I overuse my skills."

"You don't have to degrade yourself so much, what you've experienced was mana exhaustion. It's very common to faint from exhausting your mana, and it's not something to be embarrassed about."

"It's actually a step to become a superior summoner of great calibre." I smiled, "so just do your best and strive further."

"But we'll not stop at there," I smirked. "becoming a summoner is not really too difficult of a feat to achieve, but my goal is to widen each and everyone's potential."

"But I'm going to ask for your opinion since this would most likely play a big part in your role." I looked at him, "would you like to add something more, refined, to your plate?"

"Perhaps, becoming a part-time necromancer?" I smiled mischievously.


"I know it sounds like the impossible since their roles do somewhat oppose each other because their energies slightly differ from one another, but it's not entirely impossible." I pointed out, "Both of them are actually quite similar. They both require the summoner's will."

"Summoning both spirits and the undead.." Jin said.

"Precisely." I smiled, "And you don't have to worry too much since I'll guide you the way."

Jin looked unjust, it was hard to come to a decision but he then gladly spoke.

"Okay, I'll do it! I won't gain anything by just loitering around and stay like this forever." Jin said, determined with his decision.

"And I think you should also decide on a familiar, but that's for later." I curved a small smile as I placed my hand on his chest, "like Jimin, I'll cleanse your mana. But I'll imbue another mana core for the dark energy required for necromancy."

"A-Another mana core?" Jin stuttered. "S-Sorry but what's a mana core?"

"Hyung~ don't be such a scaredy-cat~" Hoseok teased him. "Where did our brave hyung go~?"

"Y-Yah you rascal." He nudged Hoseok as I chuckled at their behavior and said. "It'll be your turn later Hobi." 

Hoseok then gulped.

"A mana core is like a heart, it stores mana and circulates it throughout your whole body."

"Please endure it as much as possible," I placed my hand on Jin's chest and it glowed vibrant violet and formed another mana nuclei in his chest. "I'll be combining both of your mana cores together so that it won't cause any complications for dual casting in the future.

As I quickly finished fusing his core, Jin had broke out in cold sweat as he desperately gasped for air.

"You did well. There will be challenges in controlling both of them in the future but you'll definitely manage it well." I pat his back, soothing the unease in him.

"You may also join Jimin and the rest, and try summoning a mid-tier flame spirit this time, I'm sure it won't be a problem with your new upgrade in your mana pool."

"Thanks Y/n.." His hand reached out for my head as he was about to pat my head.

He quickly retracted his hand. "A-Ah I'm sorry, I was out of line because of my habit.. because you remind me of my younger sibling, you see.." 

"No it's fine, it's been a while since I'm treated like someone of my age." I chuckled.

He giggled, "Namjoon is right, you do sound like a grandma." 

"Alright then, I'll head off first. Hoseok, I'll be waiting with the guys." Jin waved us a temporary bye and made his way towards Yoongi's group.

"Now Hobi, your role is the most important part of the team. A marksman, or simply, a ranger with a unique class, a mechanic."

He started nodding vigorously as his eyes gleamed while his grip tightened on his rifle.

"That gun you're holding there won't do much damage on higher tier monsters. Although the ammunition itself is specially coated with mana, it won't affect monsters resistant to magic."

With my two hands, I crafted the mana around us while injecting some of mine into shaping a weapon in thin air.

While crafting it, I spoke. "But an arcane rifle would."

The optic shone russet under the faint sunlight, the barrel was surrounded with a wooden coating as the rest was made with a distinct mana ore.

"The design is a bit old, but in terms of performance, this would implement a far better job than your weapon you have now." I smiled as I handed him the rifle. "And with time, it can even upgrade per the host's potential and unlock it's original perks."

"I've used this very rifle back in the day, you can say I had some history with it. I was able to maintain it's best state of condition in my sub-space."

Hoseok was astonished. His face was filled with excitement and awe as he held onto the weapon.

"A-Are you sure I can have this?" He looked at me with his doe eyes." It's such a precious item.."

"Yes, I'm giving it to you in the first place." I chuckled, "so take good care of it."

「 Weapon will proceed with property ownership. 」

"Since this doesn't really require any external ammunition, you just have to supply it with your mana. This gun itself has a skill which is, quite overpowered to say." I smiled, " 'I want to be able to reach anything'. That's is it's all-time moto."

"R-Really? That's amazing!"

"I'll clean your mana just like them, so stay still okay?" I chuckled as I saw him flinching when I finally mentioned his turn. "It'll be over in a jiffy, you need a broad mana supply in order to support and deal damage at the same time."

I started cleansing while I talked as I soothe him. "A endless supply of mana would be ideal, and you'll need to gain some experience with sniping too."

"There you go," I smiled as I finished up. "Tell the rest that I'll be just around the area, I'm planning on exploring so don't worry about me and continue killing goblins in the vicinity."

"Oh, and you may encounter some orcs here and there, but they won't pose much of a threat." I smiled as I waved him goodbye and went exploring.

The rabbit revealed himself beside me as his feet touched the ground.

["Where are you planning to explore this time?"]

"I don't know, I'll just be strolling around these parts. Maybe there's something for me to discover, who knows?"

["You're just using that as an excuse to ravage more food supplies."] Jojo's face has 'seriously' written all over his face.

"You could've used a better term for it," I sighed shaking my head. "Humans require food to survive too."

["Says the one who's not entirely human."]

I ignored him and walked through the portal I created.

The rabbit followed me right through the teleportation portal and we arrived in a completely different area.

「 Host entered district #097143 'Insadong'. 」

["Ugh, why are we here?"]

"Uhm, to 'ravage' food supplies? What else?"

["That bastard manages near this area."] 

"I couldn't care less." I sardonically smiled. 

"That reminds me, shouldn't you be standing at your post? You just left your district in Jongno-gul without anyone managing the area."

["There's nothing to watch over anyways, a guide can go out once in a while you know."]

"Okay, but if you want to follow me, I am not responsible for anything that happens to you. Do I make myself clear?"

["Are you kidding me? Those lumps of meat wouldn't even move an inch towards me nor do they dare disrespect me. At least they have some knowledge, unlike you human players. A warning turns to an immediate death sentence."]

"I know right, I would rather praise the monsters for having common sense of knowledge." Unknowingly nodded, I had agreed with a talking rabbit.

I spare no time and walked towards a nearby convenient store. The doors were sealed tight as I turned the handle.

["The owner must've locked it from the inside."]

"Then I'll just break the door open."

["You brute, that would be breaking and entering."]

"Fine, I'll just make myself permeable and walk through then." I walked through the glass doors and stepped inside the spacious store.

"It's quite sizeable for a convenient store."

["What's the difference?"]

"First of all, this place is about the size of a medium apartment."

"And second, let's not look at the size anymore. This place is loaded and there are no traces of monsters anywhere."

["Looks like those feral beasts didn't bother to leave their marks in this area since there was no one here in the first place."] 

The rabbit continued, ["the owner of this shop either predicted the arrival of the abyss or he was just too lazy to even bother to leave the shop open."]

"OR, he could've just escaped and hid somewhere while he left this place unaccustomed."

["Well either way, he or she did good job locking the front and back door. It was really tight like jeez is he keeping gold here?"]

"Oh well, let's just take some things and go. I'm pinning this place so that I can return any time."

I went to the switches and turned on the electricity, then soon after, the lights and the cooler came back on.

["The place is well-maintained, and the electricity didn't get cut off either."]

"I don't get why players haven't discovered this place yet." I walked in a slow pace and I gathered some instant meals.

「 x10 Ramen 」

「 x10 Instant tteokbokki 」

「 Used capacity in inventory: 22/150 」

["Not everyone is like you, opening an official slaughterhouse live, hunting AND butchering a beast for it's meat."] The rabbit followed me as he continued talking.

["That's no where near normal."]

I opened the fridge and grabbed a few bottles of soju. "Says who?"

["What's that?"]

I looked at him with a bottle in my hand. "Uhm, soju?"

["Is it a potion? An elixir?"]

"It's alcohol. You know, for drinking."

["...Does it taste good?"]

"Uhm well, it varies from person to person but it's especially good with fried chicken and some barbeque meat."

"Good thing that soju and maekju can be stored for long periods of time."

[ Soju & maekju{beer} are Korean alcoholic drinks. ]

"The rest of the consumables will go straight into my inventory so that it won't rot by the time we eat them but there's no expire date on everything here.." 

"It's quite odd that the items in the fridge are still chilled. And there are some vegetable seeds randomly lying around, but we could make use of them." 

"Where should I plant them.." I sighed in defeat.

["The store has a rooftop I suppose."]

"Oh?" I opened the door behind the counter as it led to a flight of stairs.

We walked up the dark, grimy stairs and came to open the door as it led to a large surface area where it's rather spacious and oddly clean.

["Hey, look. There's a bag saying 'soil+fertilizer'. You humans use that for growing whatever you call vegetables right?"]

"Okay, it's weird that a herbivore like you doesn't know what vegetables are."

"But it's odd.."

["Me not knowing what are vegetables?"]

"No idiot, the things here. A place where food supplies are untouched, a clean rooftop in a world full of mayhem, and a bag of soil laid out on the rooftop is suspicious enough."

"It's like someone deliberately knew we're gonna come."

["You're very wary of this aren't you."]

"How could I not be?"

["You're also very skeptical on things."]

"And your point is?"

["These kind of situations are most likely done by the GM, he's that kind of person who does unnecessary stuff to shake up the constellations."]

"He what?"

["He likes to create conflict between the constellations and see them fight for some supplies and give them to their avatar. In this case, you found one of the unlimited storage of supplies that the GM created."]

"Wait, so if I take this ramen packet and come back here tomorrow, it will be replaced with a new one?"

["That's what I've said."]

"Why didn't you tell me this before I had my suspicions?" I raised an eyebrow.

["You didn't ask."]

I sighed. "Fine, you win this round. But how am I going to plant the vegetables?"

"Ah, I just thought of a brilliant idea."

["What is your so called 'brilliant' idea? If it involves you butchering another poor shadow wolf, then I may reconsider calling you my business partner."]

"No, oh my god what do you take me for? But that's for later." I waved my hand and directed it towards the sky. 

"Greed, Martis. Heed my call."

Shadows arose from the darkness and their figures stood tall, high and mighty as they kneeled before me.

"You called, master?" Both of them said in unison.

"Yes, I'll be needing both of you to help me with the task I'm going to assign you." I looked at them and smiled. "Does anyone of you know how to grow vegetables?"

All of them looked at me as if I'm the weird one. 

I said as I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"N-No nothing master.. I-I have somewhat experience physical labor before I became one of the demon generals.."

Martis nodded his head vigorously. 

"Oh and master? Martis wanted to inform you that he likes being a mute. He finds speaking tiresome but he'll of course reply to master if needed be."

"Martis also says that he has a growth, temperature and nourishment spells that are best suited for crops, then I think I'll be in charge of planting them."

Again, Martis nodded his head like a madman.

"Okay then, I'll leave this place for you guys to begin planting the vegetables." I chuckled as I smiled, "I'll come by maybe once every two days to collect the harvest."

"Understood." Both of them said simultaneously as they started to prepare.

"Now, shall I get some more shadow wolf meat while I wait for the boys to finish their warm-up training?" I thought for a while as I exited the store and entirely erased it's presence from the outside. 

["Seriously, all you think is food."] The rabbit shook his head as we both strolled down the cracked asphalt road. ["Where are we going now?"]

"A stroll."

["You're no fun."] The rabbit sighed as I continued.

"As if you know what fun is."

["Don't assume I don't know everything about you humans just because I don't know what vegetables are."]

"Oh? Then what's your definition of fun?"

["I enjoy killing annoying people like you--"]

"Do you have any last words?"


The more we walked, the more closer we were to an unknown energy source.

["I think we're too close to the area that scoundrel's managing."]

"We're at his territory so what did you expect?"

Then put of the sudden, the rabbit immediately concealed himself. 

"I've got to say, you're fast to react."

["There are players nearby."]

"I've sensed them for a while now, well, when we were a mile away." I chuckled.

["And why you're telling me now??"]

"yOu diDn'T aSk." I mischievously imitated him and chuckled afterwards.

We halted our tracks as we heard some chattering by the corner.

"Yah, gramps. I heard you have lots of coins with ya." The guy had his back facing me. "You wouldn't mind sharing some with us youngsters will ya?"

End of chapter 7


「 Status Window 」

Name: Park Jimin

Age: 25

Species: Human

Level: 4

Job: Fire mage

Title(s): [-]

Sponsor: [-]

HP: 100

MP: 30

Strength: 14

Agility: 10

Vitality: 28

Intelligence: 29

Skill(s): Flame throwers[LV1], Scorch[LV1], Fire domain[LV1].