A prank...

Hailey: after the sexy stranger drama I went straight to my dad's room to check whether everything was going according to plan or not? I went in his room and pops was sitting on his chair and Shane was standing at the door nervously. "Did you ask him pops why he left me alone?"

Hailey's dad: "no love, I was waiting for you to come. So that he won't get any chance to lie."

Shane: "sir, I wouldn't dare to lie in front of you. I know you are upset with me. I am ready to face whatever punishment you want to give me."

Hailey's dad: I gave a wink at my daughter and then said to Shane "there is only one punishment for you, you will leave this job right now."

Shane: "that's alright sir. I am truly sorry that I disappointed you." Tears formed in my eyes and as I was about to leave, he interrupted.

Hailey's dad: "wait! I haven't finished yet. I said you will leave this job but I didn't tell you that you can leave your family and go"

Shane: I was so confused at the statement that he made "I did not understand sir, can you explain it?"

Hailey's dad: I and Hailey both looked at each other and busted out of laughter looking at Shane's reaction. We couldn't continue on this act any more.

Shane: "why are you both laughing? What is going on here?"

Hailey: "this was a little prank with you big bro. for calling yourself my bodyguard and forgetting that we are a family to each other. And for your kind information, this was all pops idea."

Shane: "omg! That's a relief. I thought I lost my job and you guys to. I was so scared. Please never do this again to me."

Hailey's dad: "only if you promise to think of yourself as a family member and not just one of our workers."

Shane: "of course sir."

Hailey's dad: "I guess I am still not clear because you are calling me sir still?"

Shane: I was too delighted to say that word out. Never in my dreams I thought that for an orphan like me it would be possible to call someone dad one day. I couldn't hold my tears any longer when I called him "dad! Are you happy now?"

Hailey's dad: I went and gave him a hug "stop crying silly. You should have done this long time ago."

Hailey: "I guess you are forgetting to involve me in this fam-jam moment."

Shane: "come here you drama queen. Thank you so much devil for this precious gift today."

Hailey's mom: I was on my way to get my beauty sleep in my room. But as soon as I entered the room, I was shocked seeing Shane crying. "Omg! Shane why are you crying? Are you hurt dear? Let me get you first aid."

Hailey's dad: "darling! Shane is crying because he is happy. And the reason is that I asked him to be the part of our family officially. Which means we are parents of 2 kids and to be more precise 1 good boy and 1 devil little daughter."

Hailey's mom: "aww! Shane baby we always have treated you as our son from the very beginning. Now come here give a hug to your mum also."

Hailey: "I guess we should have a family selfie?"

Shane: "yes please." We all took quite a few selfies and then talked for a while. Dad told me within a week he will finish all the document work to adopt me legally. This was the best day of my life. We all went in our room to get some sleep.