His identity…

Nikolas: while I was waiting for my doll to wake up. I got a call from my mum. She asked me to come home as soon as possible. It was something serious. So unfortunately, I had to leave without meeting my doll. As I reached near the gate of my house, I was shocked. There were a lot of people gathered at our place. Too many luxury cars were parked in the parking lot. But the question was why? It was not any festival nor any celebrating occasion then why? As I stepped inside my house, I was astonished. I saw my mother sobbing at the ground beside my father's dead body and all my man were moan, tears were escaping from their eyes. I ran straight to my mom and sat beside her on the floor. When she saw me, she just hugged me and started crying herself out louder. I wanted to cry but as the heir of this gang I am not allowed to show such emotions. I had just one question in my mind, who had this much guts to kill MR. ALBERT LINCOLN the leader of the lion's mafia i.e., MY DAD!!!

Mrs. Lincoln: "Nikolas! Tell him to get up please. He still has so many things to take care of. Please Nikolas tell him, please."

Nikolas: I couldn't see my mother crying herself out. The pain was unbearable to her. but if she continued to cry herself out on the floor, she will get sick and I cannot afford to lose her. "Mom you should go to your room, fresh up and get ready for the funeral. You know we can't wait for too long. Please mom" she simply nodded and went to her room. I asked my man to start the preparation for the funeral and I went to my room. As I entered in my room I just ran towards the bathroom and stood under the cold shower with my clothes on. Tears started running down my eyes. Shower is the only place where I could cry myself out whenever I feel like I am breaking, because no one could tell whether it's the salty tears on my cheeks or water. I was always a Mumma's boy. I was never close to my father because I was sent away from my mom to a boarding school so that no one finds out about me. I was allowed to be home only during my summer vacations. But they were also no fun because my whole vacation was fixed to be a training camp. That was the only time my dad used to be with me but he never treated me as a little boy. He was always hard on me. he always told me I have to be strong; I have to learn to fight I have to stop showing any kind of emotions and become ruthless. I was not allowed to step out of the house not even for a second. He was too hard on me. whenever I failed to accomplish the target in my training, I was locked in a dark room for 5 days without water and food as a form of punishment. That use to scare the hell out of me. I use to beg him to let me out but he never listened to me. my mom used to try her best to get me out of that prison but dad would not listen to her too. It went on like this for years, till the time I grew up I was most horrified version of myself. I was ruthless and dangerous, as my dad wanted me to be. I never knew any kind of emotions. People were scared of me, they used to call me a monster because I could kill anyone without even blinking my eye. I took over all the business that my dad used to own. I went on uncountable kill missions till date. But all this training and torture was because of THEM, THE RIPPERS. I hated them, I despised them. All this was because of them, I lost my childhood and my sincerity because of them. I have never seen any of them but I will soon. I will take my revenge soon. As my hands were about to turn of the shower, I saw lipstick mark on my hand. And suddenly all my pain was vanished away. It was her mark when she was lying at the backseat of the car unconscious. My hands had accidently touched her lips at that moment. Things are different from the moment I laid my eyes on her. she made me feel emotions which I thought doesn't exist anymore in me. whenever she is around, I am happy. Even a single thought of her is more than enough to make my day. She was special to me. but I am scared to get close to her because I know what kind of monster I am. I will destroy her. I quickly turned off the shower and got ready for the funeral.