An unknown call...

Hailey: I was peacefully sleeping when I was disturbed from a phone call. I checked my screen it was an unknown number and seemed like the person used a burner phone to call. I answered the call and said "who is this?"

Mrs. Lincoln: "hello Hailey! It's me rose."

Hailey: "hello rose! Why are you calling from a burner phone?"

Mrs. Lincoln: "you said on the funeral day that, I could contact you whenever I need your help. So, that's what I am doing, are you ready to help me?"

Hailey: "of course rose. I will always be there for you. Tell me, what is it?"

Mrs. Lincoln: "not on the phone dear. I would like to tell you personally please."

Hailey: "ok come at my home. I will text you the address and my brother will sneak you in without anyone knowing about it."

Mrs. Lincoln: "are you sure about meeting at your place? your parents will be there and they surely would not like to see me there."

Hailey: "don't worry about them, they are not home today. They had a function to attain so they will come tomorrow morning."

Mrs. Lincoln: "ok dear See you there in few minutes." After I ended the call, I burned the phone so that no one could trace any call from this phone. I left the house informing one of the guards that I am going out for few our and don't want to be disturbed. I took my car and drove it straight to the address which she gave me. when I reached at the address, I saw a beautiful and a huge villa in front of me which was guarded by so many mans. I was impressed by the progress they have made in so many years. As I stepped out of my car one boy approached me.

Shane: "hello ma'am! I am Shane, Hailey's brother."

Mrs. Lincoln: "nice to meet you dear."

Shane: "my man will park your car, you come with me. I will take you to Hailey's room." To hide every record that she was here, I asked the man to shut the Cameras off from the time she arrives till she reaches devil's room. But for our safety purpose there are few hidden cameras whose access is only with Hailey in her room, they were kept on. As we reached at Hailey's room. I gave a knock at Hailey's door.

Hailey: "come in please." As the door opened, I saw Mrs. Lincoln has arrived with Shane. But I could feel she was not too comfortable around Shane as they both never exchanged any conversation with each other. So, I asked Shane "Shaney, do you mind giving us few moments alone? please."

Shane: "of course not devil, I am in my room call me if you need anything."

Hailey: after Shane left, I locked the door from inside so that no one disturbs us. when I turned back, I saw rose was standing there uncomfortably. So, I went close to her and said "relax rose, you have nothing to worry about. Come have a seat at the chair over there." We both went to the chairs nears the fire and sat there.

Mrs. Lincoln: "Thank you dear."

Hailey: "would you like to have something to eat or drink?"

Mrs. Lincoln: "no dear I just want your help nothing else."

Hailey: "yes please tell me. what can I do for you?"

Mrs. Lincoln: "listen to me very calmly dear first and then give your reaction. So, as you know your mom and I were best friends but had to give up on our friendship because of our family. We have tried too hard to keep our partners in control to not get into a war with each other and we have succeeded in it till now. But now as you know my husband is not alive and my son is in charge of whole kingdom, he wants to take revenge on the rippers."

Hailey: "WHAT! And you want me to help you in it? Are you crazy? I will never betray my family."

Mrs. Lincoln: "no dear, listen to me first that's not what I meant. I tried talking to my son but he shuts me up every time I try to talk to him in this matter. Today he had a meeting with his mans, they have got a lead on one of your main warehouses and are planning to attack it tomorrow."

Hailey: "I have to ask my mans to be ready to attack him first. I can't afford any loss in this. If he attacks there is a war. And I will not back off."

Mrs. Lincoln: "that is why I came here with a plan to prevent the war from happening. Just trust me and listen to my plan please."

Hailey: so, that's what I did I heard her plan, and must say she came up with good idea. I agreed to work with her for preventing this war. She said she will give me a call when their man starts getting ready to go for an attack so I could reach there before them. After she left, I went to Shane and prepared a backup plan with him. I also asked him to inform about the changes to be made for tomorrow to the boys and also to give them to study the backup plan. There was just one thing I was worried about; I don't want my parents to know about this situation or else they would be worried for me. so, after thinking for few minutes I called pops "hello pops."

Hailey's dad: "hello love! How are you? Is everything alright there?"

Hailey: "everything is fine dad. I just wanted a favor from you."

Hailey's dad: "yes tell me what Is it?"

Hailey: "dad I was planning a surprise for mom as you know its mom's birthday day after tomorrow. So, I want you both to stay a day extra at that hotel where you are staying now, that will give me enough time to prepare for the surprise. Please pops can you do this?"

Hailey's dad: "ok will manage here. but you also take care of yourself. And if there is anything you need, just give a call and I will be there."

Hailey: "thank you so much pops. Bye love you!"

Hailey's dad: "bye love you too!"

Hailey: I went to Shane and informed him about mom and dad and asked him to gather all the boys for a meeting in 10 mins. I went in room, grabbed a drink quickly and went down in the meeting room. all boys were gathered in the room. "I hope you all have gone through the plan already?"

Boys: "yes boss."

Hailey: "I want you all to be ready for any situation for tomorrow. I don't want any mistake to happen from our side. Brando, I want you to grab the heir, you can take one man with you. rest all will go after their mans but keep in mind I don't want any of you to kill them. And yes, one more thing to add, I want you Louise to arrange a surprise birthday party at our house for mom tomorrow, and that is why you will not come on mission tomorrow with us. I want the party to be best do whatever you need and then when we return give us all the details. You can take my credit card from me after this meeting for all the expenses. Am I clear to everyone? Any dought?"

Boys: "no boss all clear."

Hailey: "good so we meet at 4 in the morning and wait for the call. And yes, one more thing, NO ONE WILL TELL ANYTHING TO MOM AND DAD ABOUT THIS! Or else I will fire you on spot if I find out, I don't want them stressing for this war situation. Do you understand?"

Boys: "yes boss."

Hailey: "good, you are free to go now, take some rest before we leave." After the boys left, I went to my room to take some rest. I changed into my pjs and laid on the bed. I was worried to be honest thinking about tomorrow. I hope no one messes up tomorrow. I had asked Brando my right hand to grab the heir but I am too scared for him. I know Brando is also best in his skills he is a sniper and a good fighter but we don't know about our opponents. I just hope everything goes according to the plan.