I love her mom….

Nikolas: she was so heartbroken that she didn't even gave me a chance to explain myself. Seeing her cry broke my heart in millions of pieces. But I will not give up. I will try to gain my trust back. My mom untied me and we both untied our man and went straight home. As I entered my room my mom also came in my room to talk to me. "Mom please leave me alone. I am not in a mood to talk."

Mrs. Lincoln: "no I will not leave before we finish talking."

Nikolas: "ok what you want to know mom? Just get this over soon."

Mrs. Lincoln: "how do you know Hailey?"

Nikolas: "I met her at our club the day I arrived and since that day we have known each other better till yesterday. We had our moments too. We were falling for each other. Even her parents also treat me as their own child. They love me as much as they love her. but I lost it all mom. I swear I had no idea who she was. I was not betraying her mom." I sat on the floor and sobbed in front of her. I was heartbroken too.

Mrs. Lincoln: I had never seen him crying before. he seriously loved her; I have to do something for him. "Nikolas stop crying. Everything will be alright. Give her some time we will make this work dear."

Nikolas: "mom I love her. I really do. What should I do now?"

Mrs. Lincoln: "just rest today and we will give her a visit tomorrow."

Nikolas: I just nodded and then she left, I locked the door from behind and cried myself out. I changed into something comfortable and took my car to her home. As I stood in front of her gate, her man blocked my way in. "let me go in."

Security: "I am sorry sir; we have strict orders from ma'am to not let you in."

Nikolas: "at least get me on call with Hailey, please."

Security: "ok sir just one time."

Nikolas: the security guard connected me on call with her "hello Hailey, please listen to me once please."

Hailey: "I don't want to hear anything from you."

Nikolas: "don't hang up Hailey, please I beg you. give me 5 minutes to explain myself please. That's all I am asking."

Hailey: "I need some time, when I am ready, I will call rose and tell her to let you know that you can come to meet me. Till then leave me alone." I ended the call as soon as I finished my sentence. A part of me wanted to hear his side of a story but another part was saying what if there will be more that would hurt me? so I was scared. If I had any powers, I would have erased today's event. Or I would have done something that he would have talked about his real Identity sooner. I couldn't stop myself from crying.

Nikolas: I respected her decision, she wanted time I was ready to wait for her for life time. Without wasting another second, I just left to one of my bars to drink away all of my pain. I know I am going to be wasted as soon as I start drinking. But I can't handle this pain of being away from her, knowing that currently she hates me. I can't handle all this.

Shane: after what happened at the warehouse, I was worried for my devil. I saw her crying and as much as I know her, she hates to show her tears. She does everything possible to act strong in front of her mans. But today she was broken. Her heart which she always protected from everyone by not trusting anyone was broken because she chooses to trust someone for the first time. I need to go and check on her. as I went to her room. I could hear her crying from other side of the door. Without knocking I just barged inside of her room and locked the door from in. when I turned, I saw her lying on the floor and crying herself out. I went near her and laid beside her on the floor. "Devil! You need to stop crying and talk about what is hurting you."

Hailey: "seriously? As if you don't know why I am crying?"

Shane: "I know devil, but I want you to talk about it. It will help you to think straight. Just trust me and try to talk to me about it, please."